With only ten days left in 2023, I’ve been thinking about my reading this year. As usual there are a lot of books I haven’t gotten around to reading. Today I want to talk about a few of those I’m surprised I haven’t read this year. Let’s take a look!
The Crown of Gilded Bones – Jennifer L. Armentrout
I loved the first two books in the From Blood and Ash series, so why I haven’t continued yet I don’t know, haha. Probably because all of the books are over 600 pages. At the moment I have six books I need to read to catch up in this world. That’s a goal of mine for 2024, because a couple more books will be releasing.
Chain of Gold – Cassandra Clare
Another big book to add to this list. I’m hoping this isn’t a trend, haha. I’ve loved the books in The Shadowhunter world, but I haven’t read The Last Hours trilogy yet. This is a spinoff to The Infernal Devices and I was really excited, so I couldn’t tell you why I haven’t read them yet. Cassandra Clare recently announced the titles to her next trilogy, so that has made me excited to dive back into this world.
The Atlas Paradox – Olivie Blake
So I read The Atlas Six earlier this year and I was impressed. The Atlas Paradox is the sequel and I really wanted to read it before the third and final book releases. I still can, because it releases at the end of January. Part of me has been hesitant though, because my boyfriend read The Atlas Paradox and didn’t love it.
Magnolia Parks – Jessa Hastings
I remember seeing Magnolia Parks all over bookstagram near the end of 2022 and I bought the first book. I still haven’t read it yet. Since then I have bought the next three books in this series, because it got a cover change. One that I really didn’t like. I know this is a drama filled romance series, but I’m very curious.
Better Hate than Never – Chloe Liese
Chloe Liese is an author I came to love after reading the Bergman Brothers series. Two Wrongs Makes a Right was amazing, so I’m surprised I didn’t get around to Better Hate than Never when it released this year. Another book I need to read in early 2024!
So here are five books I’m surprised I haven’t read in 2023. Have you read any of these? Or are there books you’re surprised you haven’t read this year? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you!
My reading has been all over the map this year so there are quite a few books that I’m shocked I didn’t get to. I hope to change that in 2024.