Bookish Item| 2024 Reading Goals Part 2

I’ve been saying this quite a bit since we entered the last few months of the year, but I can’t believe it’s time to start talking about my reading goals for next year. I won’t be discussing how I did this year, because that’s a post that will be online in January. So for now, keep on reading for my 2024 reading goals!

Goodreads Challenge

Every year I do the Goodreads challenge. I’m setting this at 100 books again. I know I read more, but I don’t like the pressure of “having to” read. Setting this goal is to really just see how much I end up reading in a year.

Netgalley Feedback Ratio

I think this has been a goal of mine since we started the blog, but I’m determined to get this increased. My goal is to get to at least a 60% feedback ratio. Before I request things, I’m going to make sure it’s something I want to read right away. So hopefully, I’ll be reading everything before the release date. There are a few on my Netgalley shelf releasing in January that will be my first priority.

Physical TBR/Backlist Books

This was a goal that had a high priority for me and I can say that I have really been reading quite a lot of my physical books, but there are still so many coming in that I really haven’t made a dent, haha. So 2024 is going to be another year I really try and tackle this TBR. Hopefully 50% of my read books come from my physical TBR/backlist.

Completing Series

Another goal on my list every year, but I can already say that this year has been quite a success. My boyfriend added a series tracker in my reading spreadsheet and it does motivate me to get further in the series I’ve started or start reading. My goal for 2024 is to finish at least 12 series.

Catch Up on Some Backlists

Every year so many books are released and it’s really hard to keep up. So needless to say it’s hard to catch up on books authors have written in the past. Quite a few of my favorite authors or authors I discovered and ended up loving have a lot of books I haven’t read yet. My goal is to catch up on at least 4 backlists from authors I love. A few authors that I want to catch up with are Meghan Quinn, Devney Perry, Lucy Score, and Micalea Smeltzer.

Read Authors I Haven’t Read Yet, But Own Multiple Books by Them

I believe I have at least 3 or 4 authors on my shelves that I’ve never read, but own a few of their books. It’s time for me to sit down and see if I enjoy their books. I’ve already started collecting them, so it’s time to find out what I think before getting more. One of these authors is Jeff Zentner.


So I think those are my 2024 reading goals! Have you started thinking about your 2024 reading goals? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.

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