TTT #316 | Mainstream Popular Authors that I Still Have Not Read Part 2

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Reasons Why I’m Thankful for Books. I find these kind of topics really difficult and I’m sure there’s no way I’ll come up with 10 reasons. So I decided to do a part 2 of last weeks topic; Mainstream Popular Authors that I Still Have Not Read. I really like this topic and maybe it inspires me to pick up some books. To make that even more likely, I picked 10 authors I already have on my shelves. Let’s dive in!

1. J.R.R. Tolkien

As a fantasy reader I really need to read a J.R.R. Tolkien book! I have watched all the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies and really enjoyed them. But I would also love to read the books. I already own the Hobbit and I think it would be great to read.

2. Erin Morgenstern

Erin Morgenstern is a pretty beloved author, or at least her book The Night Circus is a beloved book! And I would love to read it. Most reviewers say this book is more vibes and worldbuilding then plot and I could totally be okay with that. So I do have pretty high hopes.

3. Sophie Jackson

Another author where I think there is mostly one popular book. Or at least, one popular series. My romance loving book friends loved A Pound of Flesh by Sophie Jackson and I feel like she might’ve been especially a popular author here in the Netherlands. While I’m not a big romance reader, I do still want to try this author’s books!

4. Neal Shusterman

Now this is an author that is quite popular with the YA readers. The Scythe series was really popular but Neal Shusterman has written a lot more books. I do want to start with the Scythe series as I’m really curious about it. And from there I might pick up another series as well!

5. Mark Lawrence

As a fantasy reader I have a big list of authors I still need to read and Mark Lawrence is pretty high up that list. I especially want to read the Red Sister series, it sounds like I will love it a whole lot. And the Broken Empire series is a grimdark fantasy, something I want to read more of as well.

6. Rebecca Yarros

Another Romance author. My reader friends adore Rebecca Yarros so so so much and I have to say their love made me get these books in the first place. At the same time, I’ve seen their reactions to Rebecca’s books and I know how much they cried hahaha, so I’ve also put off reading these books forever.

7. Robin Hobb

Like Tolkien, Robin Hobb is a must read fantasy author. The Assassin’s Apprentice series is a classic in the fantasy genre and I have been wanting to read it for a long time. I’m really curious to see if it holds up and if I will love it as much as readers have loved it over the years. And if I do, there are a lot more Robin Hobb books to read!

8. N.K. Jemisin

I’m really mad at myself, I can’t believe I still haven’t read a N.K. Jemisin book. Especially this one! It sounds amazing and I think I will love this story. The writing style supposedly isn’t for everyone and I’m curious to see where I stand.

9. Olivie Blake

Olivie Blake has gotten really popular through TikTok in the last couple of years and it seems like everyone has read the Atlas Six. I still need to do so! This is another book that sounds like something I would love. And I also have two eARC’s for Olivie Blake books. So I really hope to love this first book!

10. Scott Lynch

I was debating whether I would classify Scott Lynch as a mainstream popular author. Since he’s only know for this one series. But then again, that could be said for multiple authors on this list. And I really want to read this one. The fourth book looks to be released soonish, and after a wait of 10 years I really hope that’s the case!

These are 10 mainstream popular authors I still haven’t read yet. And I really hope to read all (or most) of these books soonish. I think I will really enjoy most of these and I truly hope to meet my expectations. Have you read any of these books? Or other books by these authors? I would love to hear from you in the comments!

8 thoughts on “TTT #316 | Mainstream Popular Authors that I Still Have Not Read Part 2

  1. Great list! I have so many of these authors on my TBR and still haven’t read them yet. I have read one of Blake’s books though under her other pen name (for YA) and enjoyed it, but even though I have a few of her adult books on my TBR, the hype around them scares me. ???? I hope you enjoy these books/authors whenever you read them!
    Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…#TopTenTuesday: Reasons I’m Thankful for BooksMy Profile

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