Royal Update #196

We thought it was time for a fun new post every week. In the Royal Update one of us updates you about our personal life, bookish news, what we’re reading, watching and listening to and anything else that might apply to this post. We thought it would be fun to share a bit more about our personal lives and hope you think so too!

After having a few amazing weeks and a lot of fun, the last two weeks haven’t been very exciting. I was relaxing and getting back to the swing of things at work. Just when I started my first full week of work again last week, I ended up sick. Not what I was really hoping for, but that happens when someone on the train is coughing and sneezing the whole time and sits near you. So I was home for the rest of the week. The weather has cooled down, so during the evening it’s cuddly time with the cats and reading time.

We had to pick up a couple of plants for the boyfriend’s grandmother to give to her for her birthday. The garden center here has started setting up for Christmas. I know it’s not even Halloween yet, but seeing this made me very happy.

Last week I added two eARCs to my Kindle. Both of these look like a lot of fun!

Since my last Royal Update I’ve read: Salt in the Wound, Flawless, Good Bad Girl, All’s Fair in Love and Christmas, Still Beating, Addicted to You, You with a View, Murder in the Family, and A Cosmic Kind of Love.

I’m currently reading Night Shift, Faking Christmas, and Enchanted to Meet You.

Next I’ll be reading: House of Roots and Ruin, Spookily Yours, and Out of the Ashes.

This week I have two cover reveals and a book announcement/cover reveal I want to share. I’m excited about all three of these books.

We’re in the cozy season now and I love making my house feel warm and cozy. Last year I bought a set of fake candles (my cats are too wild to light actual candles) and I loved them so much that I bought a new set last weekend. Now I have 3 on our coffee table and 3 on a shelf next to our TV.

It’s October, so of course we have to stick to a bit of a Halloween theme. Last weekend for our weekly movie night, we watched the new Haunted Mansion. It was a lot of fun and I’m glad it was a new story and not a complete copy of the original.

I’ve enjoyed music by Colbie Callait before, so it was exciting to see she had a new album. I have to say I enjoy the songs she’s given us this time around.

So that’s my Royal Update for this week! How have you been? Have you done or read anything exciting? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.

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