TTT #310 | Bookish Jobs I Would Do For Free

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is bookish jobs I would do for free. While the concept sounds like fun, it also sounds pretty difficult. I’m not sure I can come up with 10 ideas haha. Let’s see how far I got!

Book Blogger

This is a job I already do for free haha! So that was a super easy pick. It’s something I love doing and I’m so grateful Candyce and I have been able to do this for so many years now. We get to talk about books everyday and it remains so much fun.

Book Reviewer

This one could be viewed as a part of the previous one but I do think it’s a bit separate. I’ve gotten a lot of opportunities so review books over the last couple of years. Some of my most anticipated releases I’ve been able to read ahead of their release but I’ve also found new favorites.


I used to spend hours in our local library and once I’ve moved I will live around the corner of that library. While I don’t have any work experience to get a job in a library (I also love my current job) I would love to volunteer there.

Magical Librarian

Even better would be to become a librarian in a magical library. Think the librarians in Sorcery of Thorns or Jesiba in Crescent City!

Book Dragon

Look, I’m already a book hoarder. Being a book hoarding dragon would be so much better. No gold for me, just piles and piles of books! It would be heaven!!

The list is a lot shorter than I hoped it would be but it is what it is! What kind of bookish job would you like to do? Let me know down below!

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