WWW Wednesday #46

It’s Wednesday, so time for a new WWW Wednesday to talk about my reading progress and plans. I really love these posts and talking more about what I’m reading before the monthly wrap up. Even if my reading plans change I like thinking about what I’m going to read!

So it’s time for my next WWW Wednesday. This is a weekly meme hosted by Taking On a World of Words and you participate by simply answering three questions:

  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What do you think you’ll read next?

What did you recently finish reading?

Red Rising – Pierce Brown

The Red Rising Saga is one I’ve been really curious about for a few years. I finally decided to sit down and read the first book. This book was a pleasant surprise. I thought the world building and characters were interesting. There were some twists and turns and the end of this one has me wanting to know how everything continues.

The Reunion – Kit Frick

The Reunion is about a family that goes to a Caribbean resort, but there are many secrets and some betrayal. We know there’s a murder, but we don’t know who until near the end of the book. I enjoyed the multiple POVs and all of the secrets. My only complaint is that once we get that reveal the ending felt just a bit too quick.

Little Creeping Things – Chelsea Ichaso

Chelsea Ichaso has written a few YA thrillers I’ve been curious about, so I finally decided to read Little Creeping Things. The writing style was very nice and I could tell I was enjoying it, because I read 160 pages in a little over 2 hours, haha. There were some interesting reveals, but I was only a tad disappointed I guessed who was behind everything before it all came out.

What are you currently reading?

The Way of Kings – Brandon Sanderson

So I’m still working on this 1200+ page book, but I’m almost 800 pages in now. It’s such an interesting story and I need to now how to it all ends. I was having a hard time focusing, but since I started listening to the audiobook and reading along I’ve been flying through this book. I was a little worried if I was going to be done before book club on Saturday, but I’m going to make it!

Flawless – Elsie Silver

The Chestnut Springs series is such a popular one that I’ve been wanting to read for awhile. Flawless is the first book and we follow Rhett and Summer. This book gives me such a warm feeling. I read almost 300 pages and I didn’t want to put it down. I definitely need to get the next book in this series.

The September House – Carissa Orlando

Horror isn’t normally a genre I read, but The September House caught my attention. It’s not too bad so far. Even if it is a bit creepy. All I keep thinking is why is this woman voluntarily living there? If you go through horrific things every September I would’ve been gone when it started the first time, haha.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Good Bad Girl – Alice Feeney

After loving Rock Paper Scissors and Daisy Darker I’ve decided I need to read all of Alice Feeney’s books. Good Bad Girl is her newest story and I’ll be reading this for an online book club. I don’t know much about it, but I like keeping it that way with thrillers.

Charm – Tracy Wolff

The Crave series is one I’ve been addicted to. Charm is the book I’ve been waiting for since the first book, because we’re going to finally get some secrets revealed. I can’t wait to curl up with this book and a blanket and dive back into that world.


So that’s my WWW Wednesday for this week! Have you read any of these? What did you think? Or what are you reading at the moment? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.

One thought on “WWW Wednesday #46

  1. I love your mix of reading this week. I loved the original Red Rising trilogy but got a bit bored with the next books as they just got so long and involved. I’ve just read Good Bad Girl which I enjoyed but didn’t really think that it was a thriller. Hope you enjoy all of these.

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