Bookish Item| Vacation Reading Challenges

So I’m counting down the days until my vacation in September starts. I have three full weeks off and only work two days in the last week, so I’m only working 3 days in September. I decided it might be fun to create some vacation reading challenges for myself during this time. I have two in mind, so let’s talk about them!

I’ve been back to watching some BookTok lately and I’ve been seeing a few people do screen time/reading time challenges and 30 books in 30 days! I don’t record videos for BookTok, but I thought it would still be fun to make a few blog posts for my ideas.

30 Books in 30 Days

So during my three weeks off we will be going away for a couple of nights and have some fun things planned. Even when that happens I will have some reading time on the train, so I think I’ll still be able to read quite a bit. I do have a few things I want to add about this challenge:

  • I don’t have to finish a book every day for it to count. As long as the amount of books I read ends up at 30 at the end of the month.
  • I want at least 10 of my books to be eARCs. I’m a little behind, because I’ve been sticking to reading physical books lately. Nothing wrong with that of course, but there are quite a few I’m really excited about.
  • I’m going to try and make sure two of these books are 500+ pages!

Screen Time for Reading Time

I’m sure you’ve seen quite a few people do this, but a lot of us spend quite a bit of time on our phones and social media. Imagine all of the extra books we could read if we swapped that time. Here’s an example of the last week I got.

As you can see my daily average was almost 6 hours. Tuesday was the day I spent the most time on my phone with just over 8 hours. I could’ve finished a few books in that amount of time. So I’m excited to do this challenge a couple of times. It’ll definitely help with my 30 books in 30 days challenge!

I still have to figure out how I’m going to log this and give you updates, but I’m thinking now about two updates: halfway through the month and at the end? We’ll see how it goes. Have you ever done challenges like this? Or do you want to? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.

3 thoughts on “Bookish Item| Vacation Reading Challenges

  1. Your vacation reading challenges sound captivating and ambitious! Thirty books in thirty days is an impressive goal, and dedicating screen time to reading is a brilliant way to dive into more books. Your thoughtful approach, including incorporating eARCs and longer books, adds excitement. Looking forward to your updates on these challenges!

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