TTT #301 | Books I Want to Read Because of BookTok

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Books I’ve Read/Want to Read Because of Top Ten Tuesday. I decided to give this a little twist, because lately I’ve been adding more books to my want to read list while on TikTok. So here are ten books I want to read, because of BookTok.

Murder in the Family – Cara Hunter

Murder in the Family is the most recent book on my list, but it sounds amazing. This is a thriller that gives you all of evidence and information the characters get at the same time. So that you can try and solve the murder with the characters and see who solves it first.

Beartown – Fredrik Backman

Beartown didn’t really come on my radar until the third book in this trilogy released. It’s a small town with a big dream and something terrible happens. That’s about all I know, but I’ve heard nothing but amazing things. I have a feeling it’s going to be very emotional.

So Happy for You – Celia Laskey

Our main character accepts the role of maid of honor for her best friend even though she’s having doubts. Except as the weekend gets closer things start getting weird. So Happy for You is a thriller and I’m curious to see all of this play out.

One for My Enemy – Olivie Blake

I read The Atlas Six earlier this year and loved it, so I’ve decided I need to read more by Olivie Blake. I recently saw a video on BookTok and it seemed One for My Enemy is quite the emotional roller coaster. This book follows two rival witch families.

Mile High – Liz Tomforde

I’ve been loving sports romance and Mile High is one I’ve seen everywhere. Enemies to lovers romances can be so much fun. The second book in this series is fake dating which makes me even happier.

Pucking Around – Emily Rath

Another sports romance and a long one at that. Pucking Around is over 700 pages long. That being said, I’ve heard amazing things, so I think it’ll be worth it. This is a “why choose” romance, so things are going to get interesting.

Once Upon a Broken Heart – Stephanie Garber

Caraval was a let down for me, but I think that’s because it was so hyped. I do want to read it again, so I can start Once Upon a Broken Heart. People have loved this series so far and the third and final book releases next month.

If He Had Been with Me – Laura Nowlin

If He Had Been with Me is another book I keep seeing everywhere. I don’t know much about it except that it makes readers cry. Knowing that I think I want to go in blind and just see what it’s all about.

The Way I Used to Be – Amber Smith

The Way I Used to Be is a devastating read from what I’ve heard and deals with some heavier topics. I’ve also heard it’s beautifully written. I love when an author knows how to really make you feel something, so of course I have to read this one myself.

Neon Gods – Katee Robert

Katee Robert’s Dark Olympus series is one you see everywhere and it’s time for me to start these retellings. The fifth book just released and I believe there will be 10 books in total. I’ve read the first 100 pages of this one and I’m loving it so far!

Some Recent TTT Posts:

TTT #296| Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2023 Part 2
TTT #297 | New To Me Authors I Need To Read More From
TTT #298 | Books With One-Word Titles
TTT #299| Ten Most Recent Books I Did Not Finish
TTT #300| Forgotten Backlist Titles

I have to say this list was harder to make than expected. I’ve really added to my want to read list because of BookTok. Have you found any books there you now want to read? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you!

8 thoughts on “TTT #301 | Books I Want to Read Because of BookTok

  1. I’ve seen Fredrik Backman a lot between blogs and booktubers. I’ll have to give something of theirs a shot sometime. Same with Olivie Blake. Murder in the Family sounds super interesting!

    Have a great week!

  2. Mile High is one I read after seeing it around a lot – probably because others were reading it from Booktok. It was good! Beartown is also a wonderful read. I read an ARC of The Way I Used to Be years ago and it is an emotional and fantastic read. I can’t wait to read the sequel that’s coming out. You’ve got some great reads ahead!

  3. TikTok is not really for me but I’m glad it’s somewhere you’ve been able to discover new books! Once Upon A Broken Heart is one I’ve been meaning to read for ages but still haven’t got to yet: I’m going to one of Stephanie Garber’s London events in October, so I’m hoping to read it before then.
    Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #432My Profile

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