TTT #296 | Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2023 Part 2

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Book Covers In the Colors of My Country’s Flag and while I do like that topic, I really wanted to do last weeks topic. Candyce did that one as well so today will be a part 2. Let’s take a look at my most anticipated books releasing during the second half of 2023. You might be able to guess a couple already haha ;).

1. The Fragile Threads of Power – V.E. Schwab (September 26th)

This had to be the first one on my list! I adore V.E. Schwab and I’ve been waiting on this Shades of Magic spin-off for years. Currently I’m reading my eARC of this book and I’m definitely enjoying it. Hopefully the rest of the book lives up to my expectations as well.

2. The Brothers Hawthorne – Jennifer Lynn Barnes (August 29th)

This was the second one that just had to be on my list. I loved the previous three books (and I really enjoy Jennifer Lynn Barnes’ work in general) and I’m happy that we get to be back with these characters one last time. To be honest, I don’t even know what the book is about exactly. All I needed to know it was about the characters we love.

3. After That Night – Karin Slaughter (August 22nd)

Karin Slaughter used to be one of my auto-buy authors, probably my first one. I hadn’t read her latest books for a couple of years now. But this years I binged all the books I still had to read and now I’m looking forward to the next Will Trent book. I can’t wait to read what happens next.

4. Never a Hero – Vanessa Len (August 29th)

This is another release I have an eARC for. I adored the first book in this series and I’m loving this one as well. There have been quite some readers for the first book, although I do hope more readers find this series. I enjoy time travel a lot and I like the take on it in this world.

5. Heartstopper vol. 5 – Alice Oseman (November 9th)

There isn’t a cover yet, but it looks like the release date is confirmed. And while I’m very happy and excited for this release, I’m also a bit said. This fifth volume is supposed to be the last one in the series and I still can’t believe it will be over so soon.

6. The Ruined – Renée Ahdieh (December 5th)

I’m getting a little bit ahead of myself with this one. This will be the fourth and final book in the series and I’m currently still reading book 3. But I know I will want to read the last book once it releases. I enjoyed this series a lot, it isn’t your typical vampire story and I’m so curious to see how it will end.

7. Sword Catcher – Cassandra Clare (October 10th)

This is a non-shadowhunter book, can you believe it? I’m so curious to see what Cassandra Clare can do in another fantasy world. Once again I haven’t really read the synopsis, I prefer to go in blind to be honest. Hopefully Cassandra Clare manages to write another interesting fantasy world, I can’t wait to find out.

8. The Water Outlaws – S.L. Huang (August 22nd)

Doesn’t that cover look cool? I also like the sound of the title. But the synopsis is even better, I think it sounds like a great book for me. It’s clearly an adult fantasy and I’m really excited to get back into those.

9. Every Exquisite Thing – Laura Steven (September 14th)

Laura Steven is a wonderful person and I like her writing. I still have to finish her latest book (which I also loved a lot) but I’m already looking forward to this one. It’s a feminist retelling of the Picture of Dorian Gray and I can’t say I’ve seen one of those before.

10. Saga vol. 11 – Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (October 11th)

And last but certainly not least, the next volume of Saga. I recently read Saga vol. 10 and enjoyed that one a lot. The story took a bit of a different direction and I’m curious to see what they’re going to do and where they’re going.

Some Recent TTT Posts:

TTT #291 | Book Covers That Feel Like Summer
TTT #292| Book Covers That Feel Like Summer Part 2
TTT #293 | Books On My Summer 2023 t0-Read List Part 1
TTT #294| Books On My Summer 2023 to-Read List Part 2
TTT #295 | Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2023

And those were my most anticipated books releasing during the second half of 2023. I loved looking at all the lists and making sure I was picking the right ones. Are any of these on your radar? Let me know in the comments!

7 thoughts on “TTT #296 | Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2023 Part 2

  1. I finally got The Inheritance Games series last month, and I’m so excited to read them! Swordcatcher, too. I hope you enjoy these!

  2. The Fragile Threads of Power was on my list last week as well, it’s definitely my most anticipated book of the year. You have reminded me that I somehow forgot to add Every Exquisite Thing to my Goodreads TBR and it really should have been on my list last week, but I can at least rectify the first one now!
    Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #427My Profile

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