As I’ve mentioned before, one of my important reading goals of 2023 is shrinking my physical TBR. Sometimes it’s hard to think of what books I still have or subjects I want to read about. So we needed a way to keep track of this. 5 On My TBR is a way of keeping track. This is a meme hosted by E from Local Bee Hunter’s Nook. Every week there’s a different prompt for five on my TBR.
This week’s topic is Title Starting with a ‘G’. I don’t have any books that come to mind right away but I’m sure I’ll find some on my shelves. So let’s take a look!
1. Gideon the Ninth – Tamsyn Muir
I know it was in my last 5 On My TBR as well but I couldn’t not include it here haha. This was actually the first book I saw that started with a G. And like I said last time, I do definitely want to finish reading this one. I’m excited to see how this one ends and if I end up liking it.
2. Godsgrave – Jay Kristoff
I loved Nevernight and I really should get back into this one. It’s been on my ‘should be reading this one really soon’ pile for such a long time now haha. But somehow I just haven’t read it yet. Maybe because I need to actually read the physical copy instead of an audiobook or the ebook with all the footnotes. It’s a cool concept but does mean I want to use the paperback I own.
3. Give the Dark My Love – Beth Revis
This is another one I have been wanting to read for ages. I’ve seen reviews saying this is an antihero story and that it’s pretty dark. Definitely my kind of story! It looks like the main character is actually morally grey and I truly hope it’s what I’m hoping for.
4. Grim Lovelies – Megan Shepherd
This one I’m actually less excited for haha. I’ve bought this one years ago because I was attending an event the author was as well. She was super nice and I really liked hearing her talk. But I don’t think this book is one I really want to read any more. I might even unhaul it in the near future.
5. Girl of Nightmares – Kendare Blake
This one has been on my possible unhaul list for a long time now haha. It is the second book in a duology so I kinda feel like I should read it, just so I finished the series. But at the same time, I’m not that interested in it and I didn’t love the first book so…..
5 Books on my TBR that have titles starting with a G! A bit of a random prompt but fun nontheless. Have you read any of these? One I should read right away? Let me know in the comments!
The audioboks for the Nevernight series are better than the physical books. The narrator is brilliant and the way the footnotes are actually integrated into the story makes it even better. I started with a hard copy and quickly switched.