5 On My TBR | Space

As I’ve mentioned before, one of my important reading goals of 2023 is shrinking my physical TBR. Sometimes it’s hard to think of what books I still have or subjects I want to read about. So we needed a way to keep track of this. 5 On My TBR is a way of keeping track. This is a meme hosted by E from Local Bee Hunter’s Nook. Every week there’s a different prompt for five on my TBR.

This week’s topic is Space. I really enjoy sci-fi and have been craving it more and more lately. There are a couple on my TBR so this is a perfect moment to see which ones I could possibly pick up soon. Let’s jump in!

1. Saga vol. 10 – Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples

It’s almost criminal that I still haven’t finished this one haha. After waiting 4 years you’d think I’d read this one as soon as I got it, but apparently not… I am super excited to dive back in and see how these characters in this space drama are doing.

2. Gideon the Ninth – Tamsyn Muir

At some point I did read part of this one, I did enjoy what I’d read so far but wasn’t super invested yet. I remember Candyce not really liking it and there were a lot of negative reviews. At some point I do want to try again and see for myself if I like it or not.

3. The Future of Another Timeline – Annalee Newitz

I’m still super excited for this one! Time travel is one of my favorite tropes in sci-fi novels and I’m curious to see how the author went about it in this one. There are quite some different ways to write time travel and I love seeing how it works in different stories. Some are definitely better than others and I can’t wait to see where this one falls.

4. Monstress vol. 4 – Marjorie M. Liu & Sana Takeda

Another one I should pick up soon, and could read pretty quickly. I really enjoyed the first 3 volumes in this graphic novel series but they weren’t easy reads. There are a lot of characters and at times I got a bit confused as to who is who. I love the art style but it doesn’t make it super easy to follow the story. However, like I said, I am excited to continue the series and find out where the story is going.

5. Skyward – Brandon Sanderson

I adore all of the Brandon Sanderson books I’ve read so far and I can’t wait to read this one. While I’m still reading books from the Cosmere verse, I might slip this one in between. Like I said before, I’m craving sci-fi reads every now and then and this is definitely one I’ve been eyeing multiple times. Hopefully I can read it soon!

5 Space books on my TBR! Have you read any of them? Which one should I pick up first? Let me know in the comments!

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