WWW Wednesday #37

It’s Wednesday, so time for a new WWW Wednesday to talk about my reading progress and plans. I really love these posts and talking more about what I’m reading before the monthly wrap up. Even if my reading plans change I like thinking about what I’m going to read!

So it’s time for my next WWW Wednesday. This is a weekly meme hosted by Taking On a World of Words and you participate by simply answering three questions:

  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What do you think you’ll read next?

What did you recently finish reading?

Re-Coil – J.T. Nicholas

This was my book club book for May and it wasn’t my favorite. I loved the concept, but that’s kind of where it ended. The adventure was interesting, but I missed character development and the main character’s obsession with another was rather creepy. In the end I liked the assassin this most, haha.

Charming Your Dad – Sarah Blue

I actually started Charming Your Dad last year, but got distracted (which I tend to do quite often, haha). Last week I finally started again and finished this paranormal romance. This book had me hooked and I enjoyed the characters and it was just spicy enough. It did kind of wrap up a bit too easily, but I was very entertained.


What are you currently reading?

A Gathering of Shadows – VE Schwab

So at book club last month I suggested A Darker Shade of Magic. It didn’t win the votes, but a friend and I decided to buddy read it. We’re now almost done with the second book, A Gathering of Shadows, and I’m kicking myself for not reading this trilogy sooner. I’m really enjoying it and can’t wait to see how everything plays out!

Haunting Adeline – H.D. Carlton

Haunting Adeline is a book I see everywhere and so many people seem to love it. So it’s time for me to give it a go. I just started this book yesterday and read the first four chapters. The book starts off interesting and I’m not sure where things will go. People have warned this gets pretty dark, so I’m curious how dark.


What do you think you’ll read next?

The True Love Experiment – Christina Lauren

I loved The Soulmate Equation and said then that I would love a book about Fizzy! So when this book was announced I was very excited. She’s a romance novelist looking for love, but will she find it on TV? I have a feeling this is going to be an amazing book.

Yellowface – R.F. Kuang

Yellowface is a book I’ve been curious about since it was announced and my copy arrived last week. Our main character didn’t write the book she claimed she did and she’s isn’t Asian American. This is definitely different than the fantasy books Kuang has written, but has me really intrigued.


So this is my WWW Wednesday for this week! What have you recently read or what are you currently reading? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.

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