I’m rereading the Throne of Glass series and since I never reviewed these books (apart from Tower of Dawn) I thought it would be fun to do that this time around. In the last two weeks I shared my reviews for Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight and today I want to share my thoughts on Heir of Fire. Let’s jump in!

Celaena has survived deadly contests and shattering heartbreak—but at an unspeakable cost. Now, she must travel to a new land to confront her darkest truth . . . a truth about her heritage that could change her life—and her future—forever. Meanwhile, brutal and monstrous forces are gathering on the horizon, intent on enslaving her world. Will Celaena find the strength to not only fight her inner demons, but to take on the evil that is about to be unleashed?
The bestselling series that has captured readers all over the world reaches new heights in this sequel to the New York Times best-selling Crown of Midnight. Packed with heart-pounding action, fierce new characters, and swoon-worthy romance, this third book will enthrall readers from start to finish.
Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass, #3) by Sarah J. Maas
Published by Bloomsbury on 14/02/2023
Pages: 384
This third book in the series is such a turning point! I can understand this is when people decided to stop reading. If Chaol was your favorite this might be a bit of a disappointing read. He said some really problematic things and it won’t be until Tower of Dawn before I’m somewhat okay with him haha. You might also not like the direction the story is taking, as it definitely has a different feel to it. But I loved it! This direction is exactly what I was hoping for and does have a bit of a more mature YA feel.
Sure the book is long, and mayyyybe some parts could’ve been skipped. But I enjoyed it a lot! And while some things don’t seem important in the moment, they might become very significant later on in the series. Because if there’s one thing Sarah J. Maas does well, it’s foreshadowing. It’s one of the reasons I love rereading these books so much. When you know what’s going to happen, it’s so cool seeing little hints of it early on.
“Because I am lost,” she whispered onto the earth. “And I do not know the way.”
I’ve never been a fan of Chaol but I have to admit I’m not really a fan of Rowan either haha. As a trainer he’s a bit of an idiot, he messes up twice in a BIG way haha. One of the first training sessions and then again on the lake. I do like his developing relationship with Celaena. It does feel weird calling her Celaena here, can’t wait for the moment she fully shows herself to the world.
There have been some real tearjerker moments in this book. The story about Marion absolutely killed me again. Especially when you’ve already met Elide. And then the cook admitting he knew right away. Also, the witches during those games!! The scene with Petra and her wyvern killed me. I adore Abraxos so much and he helped me love Manon. Another scene that had me sobbing was the part with the musicians. My oh my oh my, that broke my heart. I love that Sarah J. Maas shows again and again that art can be a quiet tool for rebellion and is also one of the first things to suffer in a tyranny.
And then, Celaena set the world on fire.
Remember I said the book was long? In my memory it was also a bit slow, but rereading it made me realise a LOT happens in the last couple of chapters. I was speeding through it and was hit with on thing after another! Of course I remembered the general story of the book, but I completely forgot why there was an attack for example. This definitely is where we start to understand more of what’s going on. It also makes me super curious about Crescent City #3, if you’ve seen some of the theories going on online you probably know why!
A court that will change the world.
I have to talk about Aedion and Dorian. Aedion quickly became one of my favorite characters. He and Celaena have that self-loathing in common haha. I just want to give him the biggest hug, he had to do what he had to do to survive. Just like Celaena. I can’t wait for them to reunite. Dorian had a rough go in this book, I still love him so so much and I’m anxious for the next book. Once again I forgot bits about his story, but once we got to the ending I remembered it all. He is such a fantastic character and deserves more love!
I had a lot more to say about this book than I did about Crown of Midnight haha. It is also one I loved a lot more haha. And knowing the coming books will be even better and better gets me super excited about the rest of my reread. Although the tissues will be ready…