We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
This week’s topic is Things Getting in the Way of Reading. I don’t know if I have ten things that keep me away from reading, but I’m sure I can think of a few!
Work – I’m sure this will be relatable for most people. I have to work to pay bills and of course if I want money to buy books. The days I work definitely cut into my reading time.
TV Shows – Besides reading I’m a big fan of TV shows and have quite a few I love watching. Thankfully I can combine this while I blog, so it doesn’t take away too much reading time.
Blogging – I love sharing my love for books and help promote authors. The downside is of course that it takes quite a few hours away from reading every week. I don’t think non-bloggers understand how much time it takes to get blog posts online every week, haha.
Bookstagram – Like I said with blogging, I love promoting authors and my love of books, but social media is also time consuming. The eARCs I get are amazing, but take some online presence, so I do have a couple of hours each day dedicated to bookstagram. I’ve met some amazing people on there and enjoy it, but it does take away some reading time.
Socializing – Don’t get me wrong I love my friends, outings, book club, and game nights, but it takes away a lot of reading time, haha. I wouldn’t have it any other way though, because I love my group of people.
Sleep – After a long day at work or out, the idea of reading before bed always sounds amazing. Except a lot of time I’m way too tired and only get one or two chapters in, haha. I would read so much if I didn’t need to sleep at night.
Some Recent TTT Posts:
TTT #284| Titles with Animals in Them
TTT #285| My Favorite TV Shows
TTT #286| Favorite Audiobook Narrators
TTT #287| The First 10 Books I Randomly Grabbed from My Shelf
TTT #288| Books I Recommend to Others the Most
So here are some things that get in the way of reading. Can you relate to any of these? What stops you from reading? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.
Yes, work takes up a lot of time for sure!
How long did it take you to figure out Bookstagram? I’m curious about it but it seems a bit complicated. 🙂
Lydia recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Things Getting in the Way of Reading
Sleep has been getting in the way for me recently, too. I’ve been so tired! I keep trying to fall asleep while reading.
Work and sleep definitely cut into my reading time as well! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
It’s surprising how much time it takes to run a blog. I could read so many more books if I wasn’t blogging about books!
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…Gateway Books
I can definitely relate to a lot of these-I don’t think many people in my life can relate to how much time and effort I put into blogging, my friend tried it once and she said she finally understood how much time it took up!
Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #420