TTT #288 | Books I Recommend to Others the Most

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Books I Recommend to Others the Most. What a fun topic! I have to think for a bit, because I feel like I don’t actually recommend books that often. But I’m sure I can think of a couple. So let’s jump in!

1. Throne of Glass – Sarah J. Maas

I had to mention this one! It’s one of my favorite series ever and I will forever be annoyed that ACOTAR gets so much more attention. In my opinion this series is far superior haha. It also has more fantasy elements and less romance (although there is definitely romance) so in general it might be more my kind of book series. These characters are pretty unforgettable and I would urge everyone to pick these books up.

2. The Naturals – Jennifer Lynn Barnes

This is a book series I always recommend to people who love the tv show Criminal Minds. But I would recommend it to everyone. And I hope more people will start Jennifer Lynn Barnes’ books. She has some truly amazing books. The Hawthorne books are currently quite popular and I hope people pick up her older books as well. This series is amazing and her werewolf series is one of the best I’ve ever read.

3. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue – V.E. Schwab

I had to include a V.E. Schwab book and I decided to go with this one. This might be my favorite book by this author. I love the historical fiction parts, I love the characters and I love the ending. Although I also hated that it was the end haha. I do still hope we get a novella set after the end or maybe the movie adaption will give us a little glimpse of life after the last page.

4. The Exact Opposite of Okay – Laura Steven

This remains one of my favorite books and it is so underrated. No one talks about it and that makes me very sad. The topic is super important, the book is funny and the author is the nicest person in real life. I need to finish her other book I’m still reading before her newest book releases.

5. Code Name Verity – Elizabeth Wein

I used to read a lot of WW II books and this remains my go to recommendation if someone wants to pick one up. For Dutch readers I have another recommendation, Hart van Prikkeldraad, one of my favorite books ever but I don’t think it’s translated. Anyway, Code Name Verity is my other favorite, although you will be bawling your eyes out at the end! At it’s core this book is about friendship and I just love that.

6. My Lady Jane – Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows & Brodi Ashton

The first book by the Lady Janies. This is such a fun way to read historical fiction. These authors take on a historical figure (so far they’ve done 3 Janes and 2 Marys) and tell their story with a fantasy twist. The books are all incredibly funny and the characters are very loveable. I will keep on recommending these books forever and ever.

7. Dangerous Girls – Abigail Haas

This is the book that made me fall in love with YA mysteries. I’ve been hunting for the feeling this book gave me ever since haha. Anna is on a spring break trip to Aruba when her best friend is murdered. She is accused of the murder and can’t leave the country. Apparently the book is now sold as I’ll Never Tell if you want to look it up.

8. The Girl With All the Gifts – M.R. Carey

This is a book to go into blind to be honest. Saying almost anything will spoil the story. All I will say is that it’s about a girl, she is collected for class from her cell everyday. The guards strap her into a wheelchair and a gun is pointed at her the whole time. Sounds pretty intriguing right?

9. Pretty Girls – Karin Slaughter

I adore Karin Slaughter and would recommend all of her books. But since most of her books are part of an ongoing series I would tell you to start with this one. Pretty Girls is a standalone so its an easier way to try this writer. The book is brutal though, so be warned. I will say, you will know if Karin Slaughter is a writer for you after this book because almost all of her books are mysteries with a pretty gruesome element.

10. The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle – Stuart Turton

This one gets lost in the hype around other seven somethings of an Evelyn but it deserves so much more. If you want a mystery with a Groundhog Day element that also has a cool twist this is the one for you. You have to go in blind and go with the flow because you will not understand what is going on at first. But in the end you’re going to love it!

Some Recent TTT Posts:

TTT #283| Indie/Self-Published Books
TTT #284| Titles with Animals in Them
TTT #285| My Favorite TV Shows
TTT #286| Favorite Audiobook Narrators
TTT #287 | The First 10 Books I Randomly Grabbed From My Shelf

That was my list for this week! It was harder to narrow down then I imagined, I had so many books I wanted to name. And I tried to not pick 10 super obvious ones, so maybe some of you find a recommendation here! I would love to hear if you’ve read any of these and if you understand why I picked these. Or if you’ve seen any you now want to start reading. Let me know in the comments down below!

8 thoughts on “TTT #288 | Books I Recommend to Others the Most

  1. I recommend all of VE Schwab’s books all the time though my go to rec is usually the Shades of Magic trilogy because I just love those books so much and A Darker Shade of Magic was my first VE Schwab book so it has a special place in my heart. I love Addie too though! I really enjoyed The Exact Opposite of Okay and was definitely yelling about it a lot the year it came out, and it’s still one of my go-to recs for humourous reads. And Dangerous Girls is my immediate go to recommendation for YA mysteries because it is the benchmark that I now measure all YA mysteries against-and I’ve yet to be as stunned by a mystery twist than I was in that book. Fab list, you chose some really great books!
    Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #419My Profile

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