I have two weeks of off work and next week I’m going to France for 10 days. My parents have a house there so I’m just going to relax there and recharge! Of course I’m bringing books with me and I thought it would be fun to share which ones I’m bringing. So let’s jump in!
Death Note vol. VI – Tsugumi Ohba
I just have to finish this series haha. There is no way I’m not reading this one on my trip, I think it will actually be the first one I’ll read. I can’t wait to find out how the story ends, hopefully it’ll be a satisfying ending.
Haikyu! vol. 5 -8 – Haruichi Furudate
I adore this manga series and I definitely want to read a couple more. It was hard to decide on how many volumes I would bring. I own the first 12 but I don’t want to read all of them in one go. On the other hand, I do know I would hate to have to stop after 1 haha. In the end I went with 4, then I’ll have 4 more left.
The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi – Shannon Chakraborty
Candyce and I are currently doing a buddy read and I am a little behind on the schedule haha. I am bringing this one with me, because I’ll for sure finish this one during the trip. It’s a great read and I can’t wait to continue.
Godsgrave – Jay Kristoff
After my series I want to finish post I just knew I wanted to continue with this series. I really loved Nevernight and I can’t wait to be back in this brutal world with these wonderful characters.
The Cousins – Karen McManus
I have started reading this one and I want to continue. YA mysteries are always fun and it has been a while since I read one. I might decide wether I want to read any more Karen McManus books after this one since most of her books seem to follow a similar pattern.
Kings Cage – Victoria Aveyard
Another book from my series I want to finish post. I adore Victoria Aveyard and loved the first book in the series. Book 2 was a bit of a disappointment though so I have been putting this off. I did read part of book 3 a little while ago and did enjoy it, hopefully the rest of the book is enjoyable as well!
I want to bring so many books haha, it was hard narrowing it down and picking books I actually think I’ll be able to finish in those 10 days. Usually I bring way too many as I’m also reading ebooks and I might not even read as much as I think I will. But we will see! What do you think of my picks? Let me know in the comments!
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