So I recently saw a few booktube videos where they let bookstagram choose their TBR. Chandler Ainsley was the latest one I saw do this and it made me curious. Hopefully this bookstagram chooses my next 4 books to read will introduce me to some new authors or make me finally read a few sequels.
The rules that Chandler used were only romance (this doesn’t have to be the case for me), no sequels in series I haven’t read, and I can only say veto one book. I won’t be doing this on camera, but I can tell you I followed these rules. So let’s see what four books I’ll be reading!
The Coven – Harper L. Woods
When I’m typing this post it’s actually release day for The Coven. So I’m not very surprised it’s the first book I saw after opening Instagram. The synopsis tells me there are witches and that it takes place at Hollow’s Grove University. I love books that take place at (boarding)schools, so I’m in!
Gwen & Art Are Not in Love – Lex Crouch
So this one was actually interesting, because Gwen & Art Are Not In Love is a November 2023 release. Someone was showing their physical ARC. I’m happy to say I can actually choose this one, because I have an eARC of this book. For once I’ll be early with reading an ARC I have. Gwen & Art Are Not in Love is described as Heartstopper meets A Knight’s Tale. That sounds intriguing.
If He Had Been with Me – Laura Nowlin
If He Had Been with Me was first released in 2013, but it seems it had a 2019 re-release. The synopsis doesn’t tell us much except that when relationships chance your life can be altered. I want to say this is going to be a darker story. I’ll just have to read and find out.
Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers – Jesse Q. Sutanto
Another new release to add to my TBR. I actually pre-ordered this one and I’m excited to read it. A lovely old lady takes it upon herself to solve a murder after finding a dead body in her tea shop. I loved Dial A for Aunties by this author and I hope to love this one just as much.
So that actually took me longer than I expected. I kept on passing books I’ve already read. This is actually a surprising combination of books. I’m going to try and read these in April and update you in May to tell you if they were books I ended up loving! Do you ever randomly choose what books you’ll read next?
Loved The Coven, hope you do too!
I hope you enjoy these! The Coven caught my eye.