Tag | Try a Chapter – Netgalley Edition Part 3

Isabelle has done the try a chapter book tag a few times and recently decided to do this with older Netgalley galleys. We started the blog almost 6 years ago and Netgalley was a big rabbit hole when we discovered it.

After a few years, I’m not sure some of these books will be for me anymore, so let’s do a try a chapter tag to see if the first chapters makes me want to read more. I’m trying to increase my ratio and also give books a chance, so this seemed the best way to do it. Let’s take a look at the three books I chose for this week!

Meme – Aaron Starmer

Meme starts off really strong! A group is hiding a body of someone who seemed to have been a friend. We find out some tragic things that happened to Cole, but also that he was into some dark things on the web. What happened to having friends digging a hole for the body of their friend and hiding their phones? This chapter grabbed me from the start and I think I need to read more.

The Boyband Murder Mystery – Ava Eldred

As a fan of boybands when I was a teengager I had to request this one. I have to say I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone talk about The Boyband Murder Mystery. The first chapter of The Boyband Mystery is just an intro, so kind of like a prologue. It seems our main character’s love of a boyband may have proven someone innocent of a crime. While I’m not sucked right in I have to say I’m still curious!

Better Together – Christine Riccio

While the synopsis still interests me I have to say after reading the first chapter that I don’t think Better Together is going to be a book for me. Don’t get me wrong I can’t imagine finding out your whole dream is shattered, because of an injury, but Siri kind of already annoys me. Also, the writing style isn’t for me. So I don’t think I’ll be continuing with this one.


So this is my first try a chapter tag and I have to say it is a bit hard to decide to read a book by just one chapter. Some are definitely more appealing than others. Out of the three I chose today I want to continue with Meme and The Boyband Murder Mystery. Or at least give them both a few more chapters.

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