Bookish Item | Reading Goals 2022 Wrap Up

At the end of December we shared our reading goals for 2023. Since 2022 has ended it means it’s time to look back at our 2022 reading goals. About halfway through the year we did an update so you might have an idea where we’re headed with our goals. Do you think we reached all of them? Some of them? Or none of them? Let’s dive in and find out!


I have to say 2022 was a pretty good reading year. I discovered a lot of new amazing authors and read some amazing books. Some goals went better than others, so let’s take a look at how I did!

Goodreads Challenge After a few years of setting my challenge at 200 I wanted a little break. Even though I can read 200 books in a year, I started feeling the pressure and definitely avoided bigger books. That being said, I ended up reading 201 books in 2022!

Bigger Books (500+ pages) In 2022 I read 15 books that were 500+ pages. That’s only two more than in 2021. So even though it’s not as many as I would’ve liked, I’m definitely happy with that. I read almost 40 books that were between 400-500 pages, so I’m getting there with bigger books.

Backlist Books/Physical TBR If you’ve been following the blog, you know I recently counted all of my unread physical books. Seeing how there are 400+ books unread, this goal has become even more important, haha. I didn’t do good last year. In 2022 I read 48 physical books. Seeing how I read 201 books, it’s not that many. Out of the 48 physical books I read, 13 of these were backlist books.

Series It was my goal to complete 12 series in 2022. I can tell you now that I definitely failed, haha. My boyfriend added a series tracker to my reading spreadsheet, so I cant keep a better eye on this in 2023. I finished 5 series in 2022. That’s almost 50% of my goal, haha. There could be a couple more, but I’m not sure about a few romance series. Sometimes new books end up being announced.

Netgalley Ratio I knew I wouldn’t make my 80% ratio, so I set my goal at 60%. Then I started thinking. My Netgalley is also the account I use for the galleys we get for TBR and Beyond Tours. We host quite a few tours during the year, so I had a feeling I would never get my account at 80%. So I decided to start a new account. I requested some books to get myself started. I started in May and I’m not at 26%. In 2023 I’m determined to get this to at least 70%.



I’m not feeling great about this post haha. This year just wasn’t that great for me reading wise and I don’t think I reached any of my goals haha. I did try but it just wasn’t meant to be this year ;). Let’s see how badly I did…

Goodreads I set my goal at 100 books for 2022. As you can see I didn’t even get halfway. At the end of the year I read 48 books. While I expected to finish my studies early 2022, it looks like it will be early 2023. All that studying, and worrying about studying, definitely cost me reading time. So I have better hopes for this coming year, although I also lowered my goal. It would be nice to actually reach my reading goal next year.

Backlist books My TBR keeps growing and growing. The last couple of years my goal has been to lower the amount of books on my TBR. I have done pretty okay with not getting that many new books this year. My goal was to read 50 backlist books or at least, 50 books I already owned. Since I didn’t even read 50 books in total you can understand I massively failed here haha. I ended up reading 11 books… That does mean I lowered my TBR by 2 books haha. Maybe this year I will do better.

Series Finishing series is another goal I keep failing at. I don’t think I have ever reached this goal since we wrote them down. Finishing 12 series a year should be doable considering how many series I have with one or two books left. This year I did okay, I finished 4 series. I was so sure I was going to finish 2 more but I guess I’ll have to leave them for early 2023….

Netgalley well….. I started the year with a 38% feedback ratio and I wanted to get up to 65%. That would’ve been about 50 books I think. Not doable at all with how the year went. At the end of the year my feedback ratio was 39%. This might stay a problem for awhile haha.

And that was the wrap up of our reading goals for 2022. How do you think we did? And did you set any reading goals for yourself? How did that work out? Let us know in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Bookish Item | Reading Goals 2022 Wrap Up

  1. Congrats on your accomplishments! Audiobooks have definitely saved me whenever I’m in reading slumps (which is most of the time haha)

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