WWW Wednesday #28

It’s Wednesday, so time for a new WWW Wednesday to talk about my reading progress and plans. I really love these posts and talking more about what I’m reading before the monthly wrap up. Even if my reading plans change I like thinking about what I’m going to read!

So it’s time for my next WWW Wednesday. This is a weekly meme hosted by Taking On a World of Words and you participate by simply answering three questions:

  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What do you think you’ll read next?

What did you recently finish?

Brutal Prince – Sophie Lark

Wow, this book was such a pleasant surprise. When I started Brutal Prince I didn’t really like Aida, but I’m glad I kept going. I read this book in one sitting and I couldn’t get enough. Brutal Prince is my first maffia romance and won’t be my last. Aida and Callum were amazing! I need to read the rest of the series.

Tangled in Tinsel – Trilina Pucci

As I said in last week’s WWW Wednesday I was really enjoying Tangled in Tinsel. This continued as I was reading and the ending left a smile on my face. There is definitely more steamy moments than plot, but the conversations and ending really made me love this story.

The Mistletoe Bet – Maren Moore

I have mixed feeling about The Mistletoe Bet. It’s exactly why I tend to avoid novellas. I enjoyed The Mistletoe Bet, but would’ve loved it a lot more as a full book. Don’t get me wrong, the characters were great and it made me smile quite a lot. Being so short we miss a lot of details and I would have loved more of him trying to make her love Christmas and more time with her family. It just really left me wanting more!

What are you currently reading?

The Christmas Clash – Suzanne Park

The cover caught my eye and I had to start reading The Christmas Clash. I love the rival aspect, but it’s clear they’re going to come together to help their families. Books like this are perfect for this time of year.

Melt for Us – Molly Doyle

I read Scream for Us and Bloodshed a couple of months ago and thought it’d be perfect to read this novella near Christmas. I’ve only read the prologue and first chapter so far, but it’s already giving me what I was hoping. I already want to stay at the house the guys decorated for our main character.

Good Girl, Dead Girl – Emily Kazmierski

Emily Kazmierski wrote a mystery duology that I loved, so I was so excited about her next release: Good Girl, Dead Girl. A big thanks to her for sending me an eARC to read and review. I’m 30% in now and loving it! I really don’t know where this story is going to go!

What do you think you’ll read next?

Tis the Season for Revenge – Morgan Elizabeth

Tis the Season for Revenge is a book I’ve been seeing around a lot lately and it sounds good. It definitely gives me Legally Blonde vibes. I’ll be buddy reading this one with a friend and I hope I love it.

Stolen Heir – Sophie Lark

After loving Brutal Prince I need to continue with this series. Nessa was an interesting character and this story sounds like it’ll be an intense one. Stolen Heir is a group read in one of my online book clubs this week and I have a feeling I’ll fly through it just as fast as the first one!

A Kingdom of Stars and Shadows – Holly Renee

A Kingdom of Stars and Shadows is another book I’ve seen around a lot lately. I love the new cover and I’ve read some really positive reviews. This is going to be another group read this week and I’m hoping it’s a great adventure that pulls me in.

So that’s my WWW Wednesday for this week. Have you recently read anything amazing? Or are you reading anything now you can’t put down? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.

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