Looking Back at Our Bookhauls | November 2021

Now that we’ve talked about what we read and added to our shelves last month, it’s time take a look at last year. It’s time for our monthly post to see if we read what we buy. So this month we’re looking back at our November 2021 bookhaul. How did we do? Keep on reading to find out!


Once again, I think this post is going to prove why I really need to work on my physical backlist next year, haha. In November 2021 I added 4 books to my shelves. Let’s see how I did!

Iron Widow – Xiran Jay Zhao

Iron Widow was in an Illumicrate box and I have to say this edition is stunning! This book has gotten a lot of praise and I know quite a few people who have loved it. A second book has been announced, so I I need to sit down with this one.

Lore Olympus: Volume One – Rachel Smythe

Lore Olympus is one I’m really surprised I haven’t read yet. This is a graphic novel, so it won’t take me much time to read at all. There are other volumes already available and I need to give it a go. The illustrations are stunning.

ExtraOrdinary – V.E. Schwab

Again, I’m really shocked I haven’t read ExtraOrdinary. It’s not long at all. I loved the first book in the Villains series. Now I have to decide if I want to read the first book again, then this one, and then the sequel.

Blame It on the Mistletoe – Beth Garrod

Blame It On the Mistletoe is a holiday book I didn’t get to last year. We’re now in the months of all things Christmas for me, so I’m going to make this one a priority. It still sounds like a book I’ll love.

End Result:
Read: 0/4 – 0%
4/4 – 100%


Well, I took a look at last year’s bookhaul and it turns out this is a very easy post for me haha. I didn’t get any new books in November 2021 so there is nothing to update. Unfortunately I didn’t really lower my TBR either but who’s keeping count? (Me, I am keeping count, but okay).

So that’s our looking back at our bookhauls for this month! Do you keep track of what you read after you add them to your shelves? Let us know how you track them if you do. We always love hearing about how others organize and track their TBRs.

4 thoughts on “Looking Back at Our Bookhauls | November 2021

  1. I need to get my hands on Lore Olympus. I’ve heard great things about this graphic novel and I’ve been trying to branch out to read more in this genre. I should definitely start keeping track of what physical books I add to my TBR…I’m sure it’s all backlogged too

  2. Is ExtraOrdinary a graphic novel as well? It´s a story between the first and second book right? I haven´t read the second book yet so might pick this one up first in that case 😀

    1. Yes, it’s a graphic novel! And is a 1.5 in the series 😊

      1. Thank you I have totally forgotten about this one so I wasn´t shure if I remembered right 😛 Might be time to finish it next year then 😛

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