I’m happy to report this is the fourth Down the TBR Hole that I can report that there are less books on my want to read shelf than there were two weeks ago. I’m down to 910 books! I’m very proud of myself, haha.
Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story. It looked like a fun and productive way to finally make a dent in that Goodreads TBR. I went through my want-to-read shelf a little while ago but I think I was still to kind on a lot of books. Let’s see what I’ll make of it this time around. I decided to go with 10 books at a time so lets get started!
It works like this:
- Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
- Order on ascending date added.
- Take the first 5 (or 10 or 15 or 20, if you’re feeling adventurous) books
- Read the synopses of the books
- Decide: keep it or should it go?
- Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!
Current “to-read” shelf: 910 (my last post ended at 913. So in 2 weeks I actually read three of the books that were on this shelf and added no new ones. Yay me!! I’m doing great!)
Booked for Christmas: A Short Story – Lily Menon
I’ve mentioned it recently, but novellas tend to be hit or miss for me. Booked for Christmas is a novella about an author and review columnist. Add a snowstorm that traps them together after a holiday party and things may get interesting. This is only 89 pages, so shouldn’t take too long to read.
A Crown of Echoes – Brindi Quinn
All I have to say is that I still love how vibrant this cover is! I remember it caught my attention when I saw it the first time. If I remember correctly I actually started reading this one and got pretty far. I’m thinking that something distracted me. So I should really go back and see and finally finish this story.
Wench – Maxine Kaplan
I remember starting this one, but Wench had a hard time pulling me in. Seeing the mixed reviews for it has me on the fence now. For now I think I’ll be removing this from my shelf.
The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels – India Holton
Honestly the title and cover were the two things to really catch my attention. That being said after reading Bringing Down the Duke I do want to read more historical romance. This story is about an ideal Victorian lady (who just happens to be a thief) and a sometimes assassin. There’s no way I can’t give this book a go!
Some Girls Do – Jennifer Dugan
While I think Some Girls Do sounds like a contemporary I would love I’m not completely sure. Again, this is one I’m seeing lots of mixed reviews for. I also don’t own Some Girls Do yet, so I think for now I’m taking it off my want to read shelf.
Driving Miss Darcy: Pemberley for Christmas – Gigi Blume
I’m all things Christmas and I honestly don’t remember adding this one to my want to read shelf. When the two main characters end up in a rideshare together things seem to get interesting. I have a feeling this one is going to have a lot of laugh out loud moments. Driving Miss Darcy is under 200 pages, so I should pick this one up for a fast holiday read.
Roman and Jewel – Dana L. Davis
A modern day Romeo & Juliet retelling that sounds really interesting. I’m honestly very surprised I haven’t read Roman and Jewel yet. I remember this being one of my anticipated releases. Something I really need to change soon!
Deepest, Darkest – William Ritter
Deepest, Darkest is the third book in The Oddmire series. I really enjoyed the first two books in this middle grade series. How did I forget about the next book? Hopefully I enjoy it just as much as the first two books.
All Our Hidden Gifts – Caroline O’Donoghue
Our main character finds a set of tarot cards and quickly becomes someone that gets looked for to get readings. Except things get interesting when a reading with a strange card ends badly and the next day someone seems to have disappeared. I definitely still want to read this one!
The Hawthorne Legacy – Jennifer Lynn Barnes
How have I not read this one yet?!? I LOVED The Inheritance Games and anxiously awaited the sequel. I’ve heard so many amazing things about it, so I think I need to prioritize this book at the beginning of next year.
Removal Percentage: 20%
Current “to-read” shelf: 908
So I only ended up removing two books from my want to read shelf this week, but I can’t complain because I haven’t been adding new books. What do you think of my decisions? Would you have done anything differently? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.