Review | Marks on the Moon – T.D. Colbert

T.D. Colbert is an author that has written a couple of my favorite books (Bumps Along the Way & Off the Record). It’s been a couple of years since she’s given us readers a new story, but Marks on the Moon is finally here. This book was so worth the wait! Keep on reading to find out more about this book and what I thought!


If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?

Take a trip? Throw a party? Spend time with loved ones?

Say the words you never said?

Asking for a friend.

The man who was made just for me is dying, and he wants to see me.

How do I know?

His wife called.


I thought I was at peace with Tess and me living our own lives. Loving her from afar.

And then I found out my time was running out.

I let her go once. I didn’t think we could make all the pieces of us fit. So I set her free, swearing I would meet her again in another life.

Here’s the thing. I promised my wife ‘till death do us part.’

But now, death is knocking.

And I can’t bear the thought of leaving this life without saying goodbye to the one person I was meant to share it with: Tess.



Just like the stars know their place in the sky, mine is right here, next to her.

Marks on the Moon gives us Cade and Tessa’s story. There’s an age gap and kind of a love triangle (and while I’m normally not a fan of these it worked so well in this book), twists, swoony & steamy moments,  and it hit me in all the feels. I mean this book had me at tears at 23%.
It’s just so hard to put into words how much I loved this book. It deserved all of the stars! The only negative thing for me would be I just wanted more time with these character. Even though it would probably never be enough! All I can say is go and read this book.
I love that Marks on the Moon gives us a feeling that the people that are for you will eventually find you again. There was just this amazing connection between these two that pulled them towards each other whether they wanted to or not. Tessa and Cade could truly be themselves with each other and that was so special!

Marks on the Moon is a book I won’t be forgetting anytime soon and I can’t wait for the next book in this duet! What book have you been thinking about a lot lately? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you!

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