TTT #256 | Typographic Book Covers

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Typographic Book Covers. So book covers with design that are all or mostly words. I picked 10 books I own and have read. It was interesting to take a look at! For once I don’t have that much to say so I’ll just show the covers. Let’s jump in!

1. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue – V.E. Schwab
2. The long way to a small angry planet – Becky Chambers
3. The Rest Of Us Just Live Here – Patrick Ness

5. 10 Blind Dates – Ashley Elston
6. The Lovely and the Lost – Jennifer Lynn Barnes
7. The Test – Sylvain Neuvel
8. How to Lead a Life of Crime – Kirsten Miller

8. Our Dark Duet – V.E. Schwab
9. Quiet – Susan Cain
10. Good Girl, Bad Blood – Holly Jackson

Some Recent TTT Posts:

TTT #251 | Books That Take Place At A (Boarding) School
TTT #252|Magical Schools
TTT #253 | Books I Loved So Much I Had to Get a Copy for My Personal Library
TTT #254| Books with Geographical Terms in the Title
TTT #255 | Books On My Fall 2022 To-Read List

And those are 10 cover with mostly words as the cover design! I actually really like all of those. They are all pretty different but also all pretty ;). And almost all of these are books I really loved as well. So highly recommend them! Let me know if you’ve read any of them as well in the comments down below.

10 thoughts on “TTT #256 | Typographic Book Covers

  1. I love the constellation on the US cover of Addie LaRue, I have the UK cover and I do love it, but that is one detail from the US cover that I wish had made the UK one! I had the first books in both the Monsters of Verity duology and AGGGTM on my list this week too, I generally really like Schwab’s UK covers, but This Savage Song and Our Dark Duet are definitely one of the times where I much preferred the US covers, they’re so much prettier!
    Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #387My Profile

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