Now that I have finished this show I wanted to revisit it. After the first two episodes I wrote a First Impressions post. Did it live up to my expectations after those first two episodes? Let’s take a look!
Jimmy Keene is sentenced to 10 years in a minimum security prison but he cuts a deal with the FBI to befriend a suspected serial killer. Keene has to elicit a confession from Larry Hall to find the bodies of as many as eighteen women.
Last week the final episode in this limited series was released. And of course I had to watch it right away. I have been looking forward to each new episode this past month or so and immediately watched them when they were released. There are 6 episodes and if you haven’t watched any, this is your sign ;).
Our main character is Jimmy, I’m still not completely sure how I feel about him. But I do think he has changed over the course of the six episodes and wow did Taron do an amazing job portraying that. I was already a fan of his, but he just proved once again why you should watch any and all things he’s in.
But I also HAVE to mention Paul Walter Hauser as Larry, because that was some serious acting. Paul portrayed Larry so well, it was creepy to watch at times but also incredible. I really believed Paul/Larry and it might honestly be hard to see him in anything else now haha.
This story has a suspense to it that is a little bit more subtle. You want to find out whether Larry is responsible, what kind of person Jimmy is, but also what will happen around them. The further I got into the show, the better it got. It already started out great but the overall performance was mind blowing.
There are only 6 episodes and I kind of wish it was longer. I will definitely rewatch it at some point, as this was simple incredible. Yes I’m saying that over and over again, but I hope I got my point across haha. I highly recommend this show to all of you and hope you enjoy it as much as I have. Please come talk to me in the comments about it!
I haven’t heard about this one! I’ll have to check it out