Review | Book Lovers – Emily Henry

I actually finished Book Lovers at the beginning of July and I’m just now sitting down to write a review about this book. That’s the only hard thing about loving a book so much is that’s it hard to sit down and talk about it without ranting, haha.

It’s time for me to finally give writing a review for Book Lovers a go. So keep on reading to find out more about this book and what I thought about it.

One summer. Two rivals. A plot twist they didn’t see coming….

Nora Stephens’ life is books—she’s read them all—and she is not that type of heroine. Not the plucky one, not the laidback dream girl, and especially not the sweetheart. In fact, the only people Nora is a heroine for are her clients, for whom she lands enormous deals as a cutthroat literary agent, and her beloved little sister Libby.

Which is why she agrees to go to Sunshine Falls, North Carolina for the month of August when Libby begs her for a sisters’ trip away—with visions of a small-town transformation for Nora, who she’s convinced needs to become the heroine in her own story. But instead of picnics in meadows, or run-ins with a handsome country doctor or bulging-forearmed bartender, Nora keeps bumping into Charlie Lastra, a bookish brooding editor from back in the city. It would be a meet-cute if not for the fact that they’ve met many times and it’s never been cute.

If Nora knows she’s not an ideal heroine, Charlie knows he’s nobody’s hero, but as they are thrown together again and again—in a series of coincidences no editor worth their salt would allow—what they discover might just unravel the carefully crafted stories they’ve written about themselves.


“Sometimes, even when you start with the last page and you think you know everything, a book finds a way to surprise you.”

It’s been over a month since I read Book Lovers and I’ve tried writing my review quite a few times. I find it really hard to write a review for a book I loved so much! Once I started this book and I  just couldn’t put it down and I didn’t want it to end at the same time.

Book Lovers definitely understands us readers. I loved how Nora uses all of the book tropes we know to describe her own love life and how dating can work at times. It makes a bit of fun of those tropes, but that just fit perfectly in this book. Add in two main characters that both work in the bookish world and I was in book heaven.

This story isn’t just a romance, but also two characters figuring themselves out and what they really want in life. Looking back at traumatic experiences and how it’s changed the way you look at life. It’s about family and wanting to take care of them, but also wanting your own life. And even giving up the possibility of an amazing relationship, because you know it’s just not going to work at this time.

Nora and her sister Libby travel to the small town a very popular book takes place at. The town turns out to be nothing like it is in the book, but this small town is still charming in its own way and has an amazing community like all small towns should. I think all of us book lovers can relate to this book in one way or another and I really don’t want to say more about this than I have. Book Lovers is a book you just need to experience on your own.

Emily Henry is easily becoming an autobuy author for me and I was thrilled when her next book, Happy Place, was announced. It’s one I’ll definitely be reading right away. Are you a fan of Emily Henry? What’s your favorite book by her? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.

4 thoughts on “Review | Book Lovers – Emily Henry

  1. I just finished Book Lovers today, and I can’t imagine reviewing it yet–I loved it too much to put it into words, I’ll be book hungover from this one for ages! Loved Beach Read, but this is my favourite of hers yet. Great review!

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