TTT #250 | Books I Love That Were Written Over Ten Years Ago

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Books I Love That Were Written Over Ten Years Ago. I took a look at some of the older books I really enjoyed and picked 10 amazing books to share. Some of these are just over 10 years old, others are around 50 years old. Let’s jump in!

1. Dune – Frank Herbert (1965)

One of my friends told me to read this one years ago because it’s her favorite book. Turns out she was right, it is an amazing read! I loved it, it had so much going on and great world building. We recently got the first movie and it was amazing, I can’t wait for the second one next year.

2. The Brothers Lionheart – Astrid Lindgren (1973)

This may be a children’s book but I still think about it! It deals with some very dark themes but it is also filled with hope and love and loyalty. I think this may be one of the best children’s books ever written and think more people should read it. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a kid or an adult, this book will impact you for sure!

3. Outlander – Diana Gabaldon (1991)

This one had to be on the list, I can’t believe it was published a little over 30 years ago. And I guess the series is still going haha. At some point I would like to pick it back up, I still have a couple to read! And I guess I need to get back to the tv show as well haha.

4. Blindsighted – Karin Slaughter (2001)

Karin Slaughter is one of my favorite writers, she writes the best thrillers! I adore her characters so much and her stories are something else. Somehow I have a couple unread ones I should get to soon. These books never disappoint and I’m so grateful for the day I picked up the first one.

5. God’s Gym – Leon de Winter (2002)

This is a Dutch book but it has been translated in a couple of languages, I think the English title is Malibu. I really enjoyed this book, even though it talks about dark themes. The reviews are on both sides of the spectrum but I remember liking this a lot. It has been a while since I read this but I know it was an emotional one for me!

6. Inkheart – Cornelia Funke (2003)

Another children’s book, another amazing one! This is a very beloved book and for good reasons. Bringing stuff and people from books alive is something we can only dream of. The whole trilogy is amazing and I still need to read some more books by Cornelia Funke.

7. The Final Empire – Brandon Sanderson (2006)

One of the most popular fantasy novels out there! And it makes sense haha. I’m currently reading the rest of the series, finally. This world is amazing, Brandon Sanderson creates such vast worlds or even universes and I can’t wait to discover all that he has come up with.

8. Dark Places – Gillian Flynn (2009)

I think everyone knows Gillian’s Gone Girl, a great book for sure. But looking at her three books, I think Dark Places is by far the best one. The twists are amazing and I never saw coming what exactly happened. If you only pick up one Gillian Flynn, make sure this is the one.

9. Beauty Queens – Libba Bray (2011)

I will never stop recommending this one! This book is hilarious, it has dark humor and is satire for sure. I adore the story, it has amazing characters and I found the ‘ads’ in between  chapters super funny. Listening to the audiobook was a great experience and I might just listen to it again soon.

10. The Rook – Daniel O’Malley (2012)

This book is so underrated!! I loved the story and really enjoyed the tv show based on the book even though it had some differences. There is a second book I still want to read and I just found out a third book will release in October! I guess I have to pick up book 2 soon.

Some Recent TTT Posts:

TTT #245 | Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the Second Half of 2022 Part 2
TTT #246| Book Covers That Feel Like Summer
TTT #247 | Books From My Past Seasonal TBR Posts I STILL Haven’t Read
TTT #248 | Books Set In a Place I’d Love to Visit
TTT #249 |

And that was my Top Ten Tuesday for today! I loved looking back at some of the older books I read and it reminded me of some I still have to pick up. Hopefully this post helped someone else to realise they have some awesome books to pick up haha. Have you read any of these? Let me know in the comments!

11 thoughts on “TTT #250 | Books I Love That Were Written Over Ten Years Ago

  1. The Rook was pretty good, totally agree. I thought the TV adaptation was also pretty neat. I haven’t tried Karin Slaughter’s work before, let me try Blindsighted then!

  2. Great choices! I loved Inkheart as a child. And the Mistborn series is so good! Also, it makes sense, but I cannot believe that Outlander is that “old.”

  3. I’ve only read Dark Places of these, and I have to admit, it really creeped me out! I think if certain aspects of the book hadn’t been there (the ritual sacrifices) then I probably would have enjoyed it more, but it was just a little too gory in places for me. I’ve not read any of the others, but Beauty Queens is one I want to read as I’ve enjoyed other books by Libba Bray.
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