Wow, it’s been two weeks since my last down the TBR Hole and I’m at the same amount of books on that shelf as I was then. I’m proud of myself, haha.
Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story. It looked like a fun and productive way to finally make a dent in that Goodreads TBR. I went through my want-to-read shelf a little while ago but I think I was still to kind on a lot of books. Let’s see what I’ll make of it this time around. I decided to go with 10 books at a time so lets get started!
It works like this:
- Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
- Order on ascending date added.
- Take the first 5 (or 10 or 15 or 20, if you’re feeling adventurous) books
- Read the synopses of the books
- Decide: keep it or should it go?
- Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!
Current “to-read” shelf: 939 (my last post ended at 939. So in 2 weeks I added no new books. Or I read a couple of the books on that list before adding more. I don’t know which one that is.)
Spellbreaker – Charlie N. Holmberg
Books that involve magic are always something that catch my eye. The fact that unlicensed magic is illegal in this world definitely makes me want to read this book. I also love this cover. Spellbreaker is unread on my shelf on the moment and that needs to change.
Before I Saw You – Emily Houghton
If I’m honest, I don’t remember adding this book to my TBR. Before I Saw You sounds like it’s going to be a very emotional read. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be badly burned and not recognize yourself. Not letting anyone in is definitely a way to deal with that. Even though we know that’s going to change during this story. I don’t know when I’ll get to this one though, so for now I’m taking it off my list.
Sal and Gabi Break the Universe – Carlos Hernandeze
A middle grade book is definitely something you can make me happy with. Sal and Gabi Break the Universe has an amazing cover and the story sounds like one great adventure. Sal is a magician and is a little too good at making things appear. I think this book will be a lot of fun.
Summer’s Edge – Dana Mele
This autumn I’m determined to read more thrillers and mysteries and Summer’s Edge is one of my most anticipated reads. A group of estranged friends being haunted by their friend who died the previous summer? That sounds spooky! Summer’s Edge will be a great read for a dark and stormy day.
Zoe Rosenthal Is Not Lawful Good – Nancy Werlin
It’s always fun when characters are just as nerdy as I am, haha. I know it’s not easy for some people who want to fit in in a certain way. Our main character Zoe has a fandom that her boyfriend doesn’t really appreciate. She’s hoping one night of “nerdery” will help her get back on track. I’m really hoping she realizes there’s nothing wrong with being nerdy.
Three Kisses, One Midnight: A Novel – Roshani Chokshi, Sandhya Menon & Evelyn Skye
A YA romance about discovering the magic of true love on one fateful and magical night. I love the idea of true love in romances and this story sounds so cute. Three Kisses, One Midnight releases at the end of August and I have an e-arc, so I hope to enjoy this magical book.
Scritch Scratch – Lindsay Currie
Scritch Scratch sounds like a great Halloween read. Our main character is a scientist and doesn’t believe in ghosts, so she’s not interested in her dad’s ghost-themed Chicago bus tours. That is until she sees a ghost herself and things start getting creepy. I’ve been wanting to read this one for quite some time. It’s going on my Halloween TBR.
Jane in Love – Rachel Givney
Jane in Love is the second book on this list that I don’t really remember. This book does have a really cute cover. The author Jane Austen travels 200 years to the future. I don’t know, but this just isn’t working for me anymore. Not something I’ll likely pick up.
A Deal with the Elf King – Elise Kova
I love the cover of this book. It’s truly stunning! A Deal with the Elf King apparently has a slow-burn romance and a swoon-worthy couple. I’ve heard great things about this book and I definitely want to read it.
Where It All Lands – Jennie Wexler
Where It All Lands sounds like a book right up my alley. I love books that hit me in all the feels. I’m not sure if there’s romance in this one, but it seems like we have two best friends that mean the world to each other. Where It All Lands is told in dual timelines and I always love when authors do that. I’m intrigued!
Removal Percentage: 20%
Current “to-read” shelf: 937
So I only removed two books, but sometimes the books just sound too amazing to take off my list. Even though I have no clue when I’ll sit down and read them, haha. What did you think of my choices? Would you have chosen differently? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you!