TTT #248 | Books Set In a Place I’d Love to Visit

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Books Set In a Place I’d Love to Visit. Those places can be either fictional or actual places. I opted for a mix of both! So let’s take a look and see which places I picked. 

1. Hogwarts

Is anyone surprised? While I don’t agree with Rowling’s beliefs, I will forever love this world she created (even though it has some not so great things). Hogwarts is a magical place and not just because of the actual magic. It also connected so many people around the world so yes, I would love to visit Hogwarts.

2. 300 Fox Way Henrietta, Virginia

I loved the Raven Cycle series and was always intrigued by Blue’s family. They’re all psychics and their house seems so interesting. I would love to see the place, visit the aunts and just walk around the town. Maybe go into the woods…. 😉

3. Ketterdam/Ravka

Okay I know Ketterdam isn’t a great place and I would probably be robbed as soon as I set foot there, but I would still love to visit haha. And I paired it with Ravka, but like post war Ravka. Meeting some Grisha, visiting the Little Palace, sign me up!

4. The School for Good and Evil

This is another dangerous pick, which school would I attend? I’m not completely sure to be honest haha. But it would be so cool to attend classes (in both schools!) and meet the students. This also reminds me I have to continue with the next couple of books. Also; can’t wait for the movie!

5. Cairo (in the Dead Djinn Universe)

I would love to visit Cairo in general, but it would be even better if it’s the Cairo from the Dead Djinn Universe. What an interesting world and city! This was such a good read, as where the other short stories/novella’s in this universe. I have the first full length novel in this series on my TBR and I can’t wait to read it!

6. Red London

London is one of my favorite places on earth, so any book set there has an advantage. But one of my favorite London’s has to be Red London. I adore the world V.E. Schwab created in this series (can’t wait for the spin-off series!) and out of the four London’s there this one is thriving and has a lot of magic. There was also a magical tournament and that is my kryptonite haha.

7. Nevermoor

Another series I need to continue haha, but yes I would love to also visit Nevermoor. Especially that magical market! But also just the school Morrigan attends. I adore magical schools (although some are just too dangerous, looking at you Scholomance) and I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of them haha.

8. Edinburgh

I think Edinburgh is in my top 5 cities to visit so I had to mention it here. This book got me even more excited to go there some day (hopefully soon). I adored the spooky vibes and think this city will be right up my alley. It’s supposed to be great during Christmas season with Christmas markets, I was planning on going last year… Maybe this year will be the year to I will go there finally.

9. New Orleans

I just realised there are a lot of V.E. Schwab books on this list haha. New Orleans is another city in my top 5 to visit. This is mostly based on tv shows and books, like these two, but I would love to experience that vibe for myself. Can’t wait to set foot in the French Quarter.

10. the Night Court

I’m pretty sure the Night Court will be featured on a lot of lists. It has become iconic and I think a lot of booklovers read this book and fell in love with the place and the people living there. Going there on Starfall would be a dream come true.

Some Recent TTT Posts:

TTT #243| Books On My Summer 2022 To-Read List
TTT #244| Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the Second Half of 2022
TTT #245 | Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the Second Half of 2022 Part 2
TTT #246| Book Covers That Feel Like Summer
TTT #247 | Books From My Past Seasonal TBR Posts I STILL Haven’t Read

10 places from books I would love to visit! Most of these are fictional, but I’m sure I will be visiting Edinburgh and New Orleans at some point in my life. I don’t care how long it takes, but it will happen haha. Would you like to visit any of these places? And have you ever been to Edinburgh or New Orleans? Let me know in the comments!

9 thoughts on “TTT #248 | Books Set In a Place I’d Love to Visit

  1. Edinburgh is amazing, one of my favourite places in the UK. I totally agree, it’s super special at Christmas and the Christmas markets are amazing, I went every year whilst I was at Uni, but I haven’t been since 2019, I’m hoping I might get to go when I’m up in Scotland in November. I agree with all your fictional places from the books I’ve read (Red London, the Night Court, Ketterdam/Ravka, 300 Fox Way and Hogwarts) and I’d also really love to go to New Orleans, I’ve heard such good things about it, especially the food!
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