Bookish Item | Books I’m Planning to Read on My Vacation

This Monday I’m flying to the States for three weeks and I can’t wait to just be there and relax. Of course I’m planning on reading a bit more than I have been recently and today I thought I would share which books I plan on bringing with me. So let’s jump in!

Physical books

I want to bring a couple of physical books with me, not too many as I can only bring a certain amount of luggage with me ;). So after careful consideration I think these three books have the highest chance of being read during this trip.

King’s Cage – Victoria Aveyard

I’m currently reading King’s Cage and I know I won’t finish it before leaving. It’s a lot more enjoyable than the second book so I definitely want to continue reading it. After this one there is one more in the series, looks like I might actually finish a series this year haha. This is probably the first book I’ll finish these coming weeks.

As Good As Dead – Holly Jackson

I adored A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder and I can’t believe I still haven’t read this final book in the series. The past weeks I’ve brought this book with me everywhere haha. Hopefully bringing it halfway across the world will actually get me to read it. It will also mean I get to finish a series right away!

Bloodwitch – Susan Dennard

I loved the first books in the Witchlands series but never continued with this third book. Maybe it’s something about the third book in a series for me haha. I loved what I read so far though and I’ve heard great things about this book. The fourth book is already out in the world so I could potentially get that book on one of my shopping trips ;).


Of course I have all of my ebooks on my kindle and iBooks apps so I am bringing all of them. But there are a couple I would love to read these coming weeks. These are the ones with the highest priority for me.

All of Our Demise – Amanda Foody & Christine Lynn Herman

I loved the first book in this duology and I have been waiting for the sequel from the moment I finished the first book. You can imagine I was very very excited when I got the eARC! Of course I want to read it almost immediately so this has a very high chance of being read. I can’t wait to see what happens with the characters, I’m not even sure who to root for to be honest.

High Times in the Low Parliament – Kelly Robson

This is a novella so I expect to finish this one pretty fast. I love tordotcom novella’s and got a couple of eARC’s from them. After finishing the first one I just knew I wanted to read another one pretty quickly again. I’m blown away how these authors can pack a punch in so little pages. It’s a true talent! This one has a cool premise so I’m excited to see what this author can do in about 160 pages.

You’re Invited – Amanda Jayatissa

I started reading this one this week and flew through the first third or so. The writing style is great, the story interesting and it all grabbed me right away. I can’t wait to find out what happened exactly. The characters aren’t likeable per se but that’s something I usually enjoy in a mystery. Hopefully the ending has a killer twist and the book can keep me engaged until the end!

These are 6 books I plan on reading these coming weeks. I find it hard to estimate how many books I will actually read so that is another reason I’m only bringing 3 physical books. With the rate I’ve been going, I’m probably not reading as much as I usually do on a trip. And I always overpack haha. Do you think I will be able to finish these 6 books? Or at least these 3 physical books? Let me know in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Bookish Item | Books I’m Planning to Read on My Vacation

  1. Oh the good old, how many books should I pack for vacation. I think you can definitely read at least 3 of these. But then again I guess you want some vacation as well and not only read.

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