Now that we’ve talked about the books we got last month and what we read, it’s time to take a look back at our bookhaul from last year. Looking Back at Our Bookhauls is something we hope motivates us to read the books we buy. We don’t always succeed, but it’s nice to try. So how did we do with our June 2021 hauls? Keep on reading to find out!
I’m always afraid of these posts, because I haven’t done too well the last couple of months, haha. This time I did a bit better thankfully. In June 2021 I added 8 books to my shelves, but how many did I read? Let’s find out!
A Reaper at the Gates – Sabaa Tahir
This is a book I actually read right after getting it. I’m so glad I continued with this series and finished it. I loved it a lot and should’ve definitely finished sooner.
One Last Stop – Casey McQuiston
I loved Red, White and Royal Blue by this author, so I anxiously awaited the release of One Last Stop. Honestly, it took me a little bit longer to really get into this story, but I ended up really enjoying it. The time travel element and the side characters were truly amazing (I hope a few get their own books).
The Jasmine Throne – Tasha Suri
A few of my friends have read this book and couldn’t stop telling me how good it is. Even though I still haven’t read The Jasmine Throne I want to. This is a trilogy, so I haven’t decided if I want to start the series soon or wait until we’re closer to the release of the final book.
The Darkness Outside Us – Eliot Schrefer
At first I was a bit on the fence about this book, but after a raving book I needed to own it. Why I still haven’t read it? No clue, haha! I just read a scifi book and remembered how much I love them, so I’ll be picking The Darkness Outside Us soon.
Heartstopper Volume 4 – Alice Oseman
Okay, so this was a happy accident. A friend of mine recently read all four volumes of Heartstopper and got me wanting to read the final volume that’s out in the world. I actually finished this one the day before writing this post. The characters in this series are amazing and the author tackles difficult subjects in a really great way.
Grace and Glory – Jennifer L. Armentrout
Out of all the books I got last year I’m most surprised that Grace and Glory is still unread. I love this author and the first two books were really good. After the ending of Rage and Ruin I wanted the third and final book in the trilogy immediately. Now I just hope I remember enough to not have to reread anything, haha.
Tokyo Ever After – Emiko Jean
Another one I’m surprised I haven’t read. Contemporary books like Tokyo Ever After are often my favorite kind of books. Can you imagine finding out your a princess and didn’t see this coming at all? All I now is I need to read this one.
China Rich Girlfriend – Kevin Kwan
After loving Crazy Rich Asians I needed more drama and fun in my life, so I continued with China Rich Girlfriend. These characters are outrageous, but that’s what makes it so much fun. I did start the third and final book, but got distracted, so I need to fix that soon.
End Result:
Read: 4/8 – 50%
TBR: 4/8 – 50%
These posts have been very scary in the past but we’re slowly moving to the months I didn’t buy any books haha. Luckily June 2021 was a month were I did get some new books, not that much but new books nevertheless.
Heartstopper vol. 4 – Alice Oseman
Heartstopper is one of my favorite graphic novel series and I read the new ones almost immediately after getting them. So it’s no surprise to me that I actually have read this one haha. I loved it a lot and I can’t wait for the next instalment, although I am very sad that will be the last one.
Jade City – Fonda Lee
I was so excited to get this book! And I still haven’t read it…. Story of my life haha. I think this will be right up my alley and it is high up on my to read list but with how busy I’ve been I just don’t have the brain capacity to concentrate on a new fantasy story unfortunately.
End Result:
Read: 1/2 – 50%
TBR: 1/2 – 50%
So that’s our looking back at our bookhauls for this month. Have you read any of these books? What did you think if you did? Let us know in the comments! We’d love to hear from you.