Down the TBR Hole #79

When I sat down to write this post I was convinced I did pretty good these past two weeks. I was wrong, haha. I added way more than I expected to my want to reads shelf. So it’s definitely clear I’ll be continuing with these Down the TBR Hole posts for quite some time, haha.

Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story. It looked like a fun and productive way to finally make a dent in that Goodreads TBR. I went through my want-to-read shelf a little while ago but I think I was still to kind on a lot of books. Let’s see what I’ll make of it this time around. I decided to go with 10 books at a time so lets get started!

It works like this:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 or 15 or 20, if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!

Current “to-read” shelf: 944 (my last post ended at 932. So in 2 weeks I added 12 books. A lot more than I was expecting, haha.)

Wild Women and the Blues – Denny S. Bryce

Wild Women and the Blues kind of reminds me of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. While this sounds interesting, I’m afraid I might compare this one too much with the expectations I have after reading The Seven Husbands. So I don’t know if I’ll pick this one up honestly.


These Deadly Games – Diana Urban

I keep saying I want to read more thrillers, but it seems like I’m not good at actually getting around to it, haha. These Deadly Games is definitely one I want to read. Our main character has to play a game or her sister dies. I have a feeling this one is going to be very intense. Seeing this one again makes me want to read it soon.


The Poppy and the Rose – Ashlee Cowles

The Poppy and the Rose is honestly a book I don’t remember reading about or seeing any where online. While I think it’s interesting to see that one character was aboard the Titanic and the other must find out more about her past and how it connects to her own. I don’t know if this is one for me though.


Aftershocks – Maris Reichardt

Aftershocks is a book I haven’t heard anyone talk about, but reading the synopsis has me really intrigued again. I can’t imagine being in such an extreme event with someone you’ve just met and not knowing if you’ll survive.


Binti – Nnedi Okorafor

Binti sounds amazing and look at this stunning cover! I love the idea of this universe and the main character fighting for her place at the university, but also losing her spot in her family to travel. My only concern is this story being less than 100 pages. It’ll either be amazing or leaving me wanting more (that’s what normally happens with shorter stories).


Engagment and Espionage – Penny Reid

I remember trying to read this one awhile ago, but it just wasn’t for me at the time. I’m still not sure if it’s something that will work for me now. I honestly kind of forgot about this one, so I’ll be removing it for now.


All Eyes on Her – Laurie Elizabeth Flynn

I love the concept of All Eyes on Her. A girl allegedly kills her boyfriend, but no one knows exactly what happened. The catch is that this story is going to be told by everyone, but the suspect herself. Their stories put together the pieces leading up to the day he dies. What actually happened? I love the idea of this being told by everyone but the person you want information from.


Mazie – Melanie Crowder

Another book I don’t remember at all. There are just so many books out there. It’s hard to remember them all, haha. Mazie has always dreamed about being on broadway, but when she finally gets a role it’s not what she’s expecting. I love books where characters explore their dream and see if it really fits. I don’t know if I’ll actually get to this one though.


A Lady’s Guide to Mischief and Mayhem – Manda Collins

I’ve come to realize that I really enjoy historical fiction with female leads that are way beyond their years. This one also seems to add the rom-com aspect that I love, so how can I say no to that?!? I also really love the cover! A Lady’s Guide to Mischief and Mayhem also happens to be on my shelves, so an even better reason to pick it up.


Written in the Stars – Alexandria Bellefleur

And again, I have a book on here that I’ve already read and loved, but saved a different edition on my want to read shelf. I definitely recommend Written in the Stars it’s a fun romance that leaves a smile on your face. I need to continue with this series.



Removal Percentage: 40%
Current “to-read” shelf: 940

I did really good this week and I was reminded of some titles that I really want to read. Have you read anything on my list this week? Would you have made a different decision? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.

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