Royal Update #128

We thought it was time for a fun new post every week. In the Royal Update one of us updates you about our personal life, bookish news, what we’re reading, watching and listening to and anything else that might apply to this post. We thought it would be fun to share a bit more about our personal lives and hope you think so too!

Besides working and hanging around the house I had some fun things these last two weeks. Right before my last Royal Update we went and visited the boyfriend’s parents when they were away on vacation. It was a nice house and we had a lot of fun. We went out to dinner, played some board games, and relaxed a bit until we went home on Sunday.

Then last Thursday my mother and I went and had brunch and did a little shopping. We didn’t find much, but we had a good time. On our way home we grabbed something at Starbucks and I got to see another creation of my name, haha. It was a good week.

Since my last Royal Update I’ve added a few ARCs to my Kindle.

Since my last Royal Update I finished reading: Only When It’s Us, Reject Me, Always Only You, The Shadow Princess, Bound in Cabo, Lovely Bad Things, and Pretty Lies.

I’m currently reading We’ll Always Have Summer, I Kissed Shara Wheeler, and Kiss Me.

This week I’ll be reading Blind Side, As Seen on TV, and Boys of Brayshaw High.

There were a few cover reveals this week that I want to share!

When I went shopping I saw this Belle Funko at Primark and she has books. So I had to have it and my mother was really sweet and got it for me. I love having this one on my shelf.

This week Miss Marvel started on Disney+ and the boyfriend and I watched the first episode. I really loved the first episode and I can’t wait to see how it continues!

This past week I’ve been listening to the 20th anniversary edition of Avril Lavigne’s album Let Go. I have to say that makes me feel old, haha. I enjoyed these songs when it first came out and I like the few songs she added.

So that’s my Royal Update for this week. How have you been? Have you watched or read anything that’s amazing and we should all know about? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.


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