Bookish Item | Highest Rated Books on My TBR

I always love looking at my TBR in different ways. And today I wanted to see which books on my TBR are the highest rated (on Goodreads). I was expecting certain books, or rather a certain author haha, and was not disappointed. Let’s jump in and take a look!

10. Keeper of the Lost Cities – Shannon Messenger

I planned on reading this MG book in May but unfortunately I didn’t. This seems to be a very popular MG series and I’ve heard nothing but good things. It is a long series so I have a ton of books to read. But I do love that when the book are good and the world is interesting.

9. Godsgrave – Jay Kristoff

The sequel to Nevernight, I did start it at some point. And I should get back to it very soon as I adored the first book. I currently have 3 Jay Kristoff books on my TBR and that feels like too much.

8. Skyward – Brandon Sanderson

The first Brandon Sanderson on the list, but probably not the last ;). I really enjoy YA sci-fi stories and I’m so excited to find out what Brandon Sanderson did with it. The reviews are obviously very positive and I can’t wait to find out for myself what all the hype is about.

7. The Hate U Give – Angie Thomas

I hate that this is still on my TBR, I should’ve read it years ago. And I also still need to watch the movie, but as you can imagine I want to read the book first. I know this will be an emotional read but also an important one.

6. Arcanum Unbounded – Brandon Sanderson

This one might take a while, it’s a collection of short stories and I haven’t even started all the main series these belong to. I did read the first one and enjoyed it. So it’s nice to have this one ready for whenever I want another short story.

5. The Hero of Ages – Brandon Sanderson

This is book 3 in the Mistborn series, and I still need to read book 2…. I hope to get back to my Brandon Sanderson reads soon as I have a lot of his books on my TBR. And because I’m very sure I will love them all haha.

4. Hollowpox – Jessica Townsend

I love the Morrigan Crow books and I was planning on reading this in May. That didn’t happen unfortunately, maybe I’ll finally read it this summer. But definitely (probably, hopefully) before we get book 4 in October!

3. Dance of Despair – Kara S. Weaver

So cool to see my friend on here! The main reason I haven’t read this one yet is because I still have to read the first book. And I’ll admit it’s a bit embarrassing I still haven’t read that one yet. They sound amazing and I love seeing everyone so positive about these.

2. The Wise Man’s Fear – Patrick Rothfuss

With this one being out for years and the third book not even having a release year I think I’ll wait a bit longer before I pick it up. It would be nice to have an idea of when the third book will be released. I’m patient but I guess I won’t read this one just yet.

1.The Way of Kings – Brandon Sanderson

Of course Brandon Sanderson is number one haha. That brings the total amount of times he’s on this list up to 4. I guess it’s lucky I don’t own more of his books because it would’ve been even more probably. It will be a while before I read this one, I want to read a lot of his other books first.

These are the ten highest rated books on my TBR, which should I pick up first? And do you want to see the ten lowest rated books? Also, are you surprised by any of these? Let me know in the comments!

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