Just one more month of spring to go (although we’ve been hit with some summer temperatures here haha) and I haven’t done any spring tags yet. So today I wanted to do one! And I found the Splendid Spring Book Tag over at Paperbacks and Planners, the tag was created by Victoria Mann on Booktube. It has 10 questions, so let’s jump in!
1. Everywhere you look flowers are blooming! Choose a book you love or think you will love with flowers on the cover.
Jennifer Lynn Barnes doesn’t get enough love in my opinion, I love basically all of her books. And I also really liked the Debutantes duology, with Little White Lies being the first book in it. Highly recommend this one!
2. Spring is the perfect time for a fun trip! Choose a book you’ve read or would like to read while traveling from one place to another.
‘Fun’ story, I was on a plane to the States when I finished They Both Die at the End. Of course I could not hold the tears and I felt a bit embarrassing haha. I was reading the book on my phone and tears were streaming down my face…. What will people have thought?!
3. Who doesn’t love a good Spring Fling? Choose a book you were obsessed with for a short period of time, but then you swiftly cast it aside.
I read the Snow Like Ashes series 5 years ago and really loved it at the time. But I don’t think I would love it as much now. It wasn’t that unique and by now I think I have read to many stories like it.
4. Everyone loves the smell of freshly mowed grass, but not at an ungodly hour! Choose a book that personifies as a middle-aged dad waking up at 7am on a Saturday to mow the lawn when he should be sleeping like the rest of us.
For me Defy Me (and there for maybe even the new trilogy of Shatter Me) was so unnecessary and frustrating. The book was basically one big flashback and it felt like a filler book to make everything fit with the main series. I was so disappointed and haven’t picked up the final book because of it.
5. A surprise rain shower might spoil your outdoor fun, but don’t worry the sun will be back! Choose a book that made you really sad, but the sun still shines in the end.
You will be sad but you will also be happy about it. That about sums it up for Eliza and her Monsters in my opinion. I loved this book but I also cried a lot haha. This was a really good read and really important as well! If you haven’t read it, please go and pick it up.
6. It’s that time of year when all the animals stretch their limbs and come out of hibernation. Choose a book that pulled you out of a reading slump.
I was super slumpish this year! But I finally got back into the groove (or at least more into it) because of my reread of the All for the Game series. These books and these boys have a hold on my heart and I remembered why I love reading so much again.
7. Students all over exhale a sigh of relief knowing they get a break from school. Choose a book whose friend group you’d like to spend Spring Break with.
8. Spring is all about rebirth and blooming. Choose a book that made you grow as a person.
The first book that comes to mind is The Exact Opposite of Okay by Laura Steven. I’ve talked about this book so much haha. But it really opened my eyes about ‘nice guys’. So maybe I didn’t exactly grow as a person, I did definitely learn something.
9. A picnic at the park is the perfect springtime activity! Choose a book with a character who you think would pack the best picnic basket.
Lara Jean! She would bake cookies made from scratch and you just know she would make sure all my favorite things are included. I love her so much and I think this Ould also make her happy. We would just sit in the park, look at people, maybe read a book and have the best time with her perfect picnic basket.
10. For many Spring is the first break from the bitterness of Winter! Choose a book that is the embodiment of sunshine.
This turned out to be the hardest question haha. I read and love a lot of dark books… Every now and then I do read some fluffy books though and I decided to go with The Summer I Became a Nerd. The title already has summer in it, and I love all things nerdy so this was the perfect book for me. Very cute and very summery so that equals sunshine to me!
And that was the Splendid Spring Book Tag! I had fun answering these questions and I hope you enjoyed my answers. Now I’m curious, which book is the embodiment of sunshine to you? Let me know in the comments!