We thought it was time for a fun new post every week. In the Royal Update one of us updates you about our personal life, bookish news, what we’re reading, watching and listening to and anything else that might apply to this post. We thought it would be fun to share a bit more about our personal lives and hope you think so too!
I finally got over the bad cold I had and I’m back to work. Other than that I’ve been hanging around the house and doing lots of reading. Last weekend a friend and I went to the bookstore. It was so much fun to go there again. They had a lot and I could’ve spent so much money there, haha.
The next couple of weeks there are some fun things planned, so this next week is going to be relaxing besides work and getting blog/tour stuff done.
Since my last Royal Update I added 8 ARCs to my Kindle.
Since my last Royal Update I’ve finished reading: The Comic Con, Dating Dr. Dil, Shadow Princess, Throne of Glass (re-read), The Book of Cold Cases, Set on You, The Summer I Turned Pretty, and 7th Circle.
I’m currently reading: Crown of Midnight (re-read), Gone Dark, Dead Girls Never Talk, The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding, and Witchlings.
This coming week I’ll be reading: All My Rage, Anarchy, and A Kingdom of Flame and Fury.
This week I have two pieces of bookish news. One is cover I recently stumbled upon and a book announcement. It’s only May and I already have a list of holiday themed books releasing later this year that I really want to read!
So the last couple of posts I had some things to share in the shopping log, but nothing this week. I did visit the bookstore with a friend, but you’ll see my books in our haul at the beginning of June.
Okay, so this movie released awhile ago, but I finally watched the last movie from the All the Boys I’ve Loved Before series. I guess I didn’t want it to be over? Haha. That being said I really loved this movie. I’m excited about the adaption of The Summer I Turned Pretty coming to Amazon Prime next month.
I’m a fan of Simple Plan and I’ve actually seen them twice in concert. So when they announced a new album I was really excited. It’s now out in the world and that’s what I’ve been listening to.
So that’s my Royal Update this week! How have you been? Have you read or watched anything interesting? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.