Bookish Item | May TBR

I can’t believe we’re heading to the end of April! That means it’s time for me to start thinking about my May TBR. I really feel like this year is flying by. There are a few books I’m excited to read and I’m sure tons of buddy reads will be added as usual, haha. Keep on reading to find out what I’m hoping to read in May!

Group Reads/Buddy Reads

Well for now I only have some group reads I’m participating in. I know for sure that there will be a few extra buddy reads added during the month. Which I really love, because lately it’s been taking me out of my comfort zone and I’m discovering some amazing authors.

All My Rage – Sabaa Tahir

Since All My Rage has released I’ve heard so many amazing reviews, but also that it’s very heartbreaking. I’m a fan of hard-hittting books here and there and I think that one is going to check all of the boxes.

Not the Witch You Wed – April Asher

I’ve loved the cover of Not the Witch You Wed since I saw it and I’m really excited about picking it up. A paranormal rom-com? Yes, please! And it has fake dating, so it’s basically everything I want in a book and more.

Witchlings – Claribel A. Ortega

Ghost Squad by Clarible A. Ortega was so much fun, so when I heard about Witchlings I was really excited. Look at this amazing cover! Three witchlings must work together to gain their full powers. That sounds like a lot of fun.

Book Lovers – Emily Henry

Book Lovers is a book I knew I needed by just reading the title. I’m someone who loves when anything book related is incorporated in a book. The main characters are an editor and a literary agent, so I’m sold. Book Lovers also seems to be an enemies to lovers story and I love that trope.

The Love Con – Seressia Glass

The Love Con is a book I’ve added to my TBR a few times and I’m still really excited about it. A bookstagram book club is reading this one, so I’m hoping this motivates me to finally read it. The main character loves anime, gaming, and cosplay and her best friend is going to pretend to be her boyfriend. We all know feelings are going to be developing somewhere.


ARCs/Blog Tours

I signed up for a few things in May, because they’re books I’m really excited about. Hopefully I love them as much as I think I will.

Set on You – Amy Lea

“A gym nemesis pushes a fitness influencer to the max in Amy Lea’s steamy debut romantic comedy.” This is the first sentence of the synopsis of Set on You and it’s all I needed to read before knowing I wanted to read this book. I love books when there are influencers, bloggers, etc. It’s always fun to see that in a book.

The Comic Con – Dee Lagasse

Our main character has always loved comic books and now creates her own. I’m loving that our female lead is the one behind that and I love that! When her comic is being adapted on screen she definitely has an opinion about the actor in it. This is going to get interesting.

Never Been Kissed – Timothy Janovsky

In Never Been Kissed the main character sent an email to all the boys he loved before coming out. He’s never been kissed, but really wants that happily ever after! Look at how cute this cover is. I’m really hoping he gets his movie worthy ending.


Middle Grade May

Every year TBR and Beyond hosts a Middle Grade May event on Facebook. I love middle grade and say I need to read more every year, so I hope to get a lot of them in this month! I tend to read middle grade books pretty quickly, so I should get pretty far.

Sugar and Spite – Gail D. Villanueva

TBR and Beyond Tours actually hosted a tour for Sugar and Spite, but I didn’t have the chance to read it when we did. It was a book that caught my eye, so I’m excited to finally get around to it. Our main character can’t take the bullying anymore and uses a love potion to try and make it stop.

Hollowpox – Jessica Townsend

Nevermoor is one of my favorite middle grade series and even though Hollowpox has been out for quite some time I haven’t read it yet. The next book in the series was delayed a bit and is finally releasing later this year. So maybe that’s why I haven’t continued with this series, but it’s time now.

What Lives in the Woods – Lindsay Currie

Lindsay Currie is an author I’ve been curious about, because her spooky middle grade books sound really good. I got What Lives in the Woods for Christmas, so I’m definitely think middle grade May is the perfect time to pick up this book.

The Second Story – Neil Patrick Harris

The Magic Misfits was a book I really enjoyed. The illustrations and magic tricks were a lot of fun and I loved the whole found family trope in this book. The Second Story has been on my shelf ready to read for quite some time. I read the first one in one sitting. I wonder if I can do the same with this one.

Click’d – Tamara Ireland Stone

Look at how cute this cover is! Click’d is a book a friend of mine really loved and another one I’ve needed to read forever. Our main character created an app for a fun scavenger hunt and it goes viral. Things get tricky when someone wants to use it to reveal everyone’s secrets. This is going to be a fun book.

Tilly and the Bookwanderers – Anna James

Tilly and the Bookwanderers is such a pretty book. Can you imagine being able to wander the pages of your favorite books? That’s something our main character is able to do. I have a feeling this is going to be a fun adventure.

Ellen Outside the Lines – A.J. Sass

Ellen Outside the Lines is another book that TBR and Beyond Tours recently hosted. I saw nothing but positive reviews about this one, so I couldn’t resist adding it to my TBR for this event.

The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding – Alexandra Bracken

To be honest I haven’t really read the summary of this one (well I did quite some time ago), but I like going in blank lately. I do know that The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding seems to be loved by many readers.

The Weeping Tide – Amanda Foody

I recently finished The Accidental Apprentice and it was a lot of fun. I need to know how the journey continues and The Weeping Tide seems like it’s going to be good or maybe even better than the first book. Look at this stunning cover!

Dead Voices – Katherine Arden

I think Dead Voices is the one book on this list that I’ve been wanting to read the longest. Small Spaces is one of my favorite middle grade books and Dead Voices is the next part of this story. I need to catch up before the fourth book releases later this year.

The Backstagers, Vol. 3 Encore – James Tynion IV

It’s been some time since I’ve read a graphic novel and I need to continue with this series. A group of kids that work back stage for the theater department have some crazy adventures. I can’t wait to see what happens next.


So that’s why I’m hoping to read in May, I’m sure things will change and be added, but as long as I’m having fun reading I don’t mind. What are you reading in May? Or have you read any of these? Which books should I start with? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.

One thought on “Bookish Item | May TBR

  1. Really need to get to The Backstagers. As a theatre/musical nerd this sounds like heaven!
    Tilly and the Bookwanderers is amazing and stuffed with lovely bookish nerdyness so I´ll hope you like it! 😀

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