We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
This week’s topic is books on my Spring 2022 TBR. Candyce did a part 1 to this last week, and today I’ll share ten books I have on my spring TBR. I don’t really make TBR’s as I never ever stick to them, but these are 10 books I want to read in the upcoming months. So let’s jump in!
1.I Am Margaret Moore – Hannah Capin
This one releases today so I want to read it very soon, I’ve had the eARC for a while now and really planned on reading it before the release. Unfortunately it didn’t go as planned, but it’s very high up my list now.
2. Potrait of a Thief – Grace D. Li
The next eARC on my list! This one releases in April so I plan on reading it before then. I did a Can’t Wait Wednesday post for this one a while ago, as it’s a very exciting release for me. Hopefully it’s the read I’m expecting it to be haha. Ocean’s Eleven is one of the best movies ever made so I love that they used that comparison.
3. The Final Strife – Saara El-Arifi
The last eARC on this list. A June release so I have a while to read this, but I do really plan on reading it this Spring so I can review it before the release. This is one of my biggest anticipated releases for 2022 and I have very high hopes for it. I think it’s going to be such a cool fantasy read.
4. The Bone Shard Daughter – Andrea Stewart
I’m almost 100% sure I will love this book and that it will be a 5 star read. And I just can’t believe I still haven’t read it. I got it for my birthday last year and it has been basically on top of my TBR ever since haha.
5&6. Escaping from Houdini & Capturing the Devil – Kerri Maniscalco
These books have been on my TBR for a long time as well. I didn’t love the first two books but really like the titles of these two. Hopefully I’ll enjoy them more than the first two books in the series. It would just be really nice to wrap up a series again haha.
7&8. Bloodwitch & Witchshadow – Susan Dennard
I adore this series and I’m so sad it has taken me this long to pick up Bloodwitch. Witchshadow isn’t even on my physical TBR yet but I know I will want it as soon as I finish Bloodwitch so I have to have it ready be then. Hopefully these are as exciting as the other ones.
9&10. Legendary & Finale – Stephanie Garber
I feel like I’m a minority but I didn’t love Carnaval. However, I adore the next hardbacks for this series so I just had to have them. I’ve also seen a lot of people who did like the second and third book better so I have pretty decent hopes for these! And I want to read Once Upon a Broken Heart but have to finish these first.
Some Recent TTT Posts:
TTT #223 | Upcoming 2022 Romance Books
TTT #224| Books Too Good To Review Properly Part 1
TTT #225| Books Too Good To Review Properly Part 2
TTT #226| Books I Enjoyed, But Have Never Mentioned On My Blog
TTT #127 | Books On My Spring 2022 TBR Part 1
These are 10 books I hope to read this spring! I usually just pick up whatever I’m in the mood for at that moment but these are very high on my TBR and there is a good chance I’ll pick some of these up haha. Have you read any of them? Which one should I read first? Let me know in the comments!
Great list! Portrait of a Thief made my list this week, too – I’m so excited for museum heists. 😁
I’m hoping to get Portrait of a Thief on audio.
Ellie Warren recently posted…Top Ten: Spring TBR
The Final Strife sounds good!
Lydia recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Spring 2022 TBR
I also need to read the second and third books in the Caraval trilogy-I’m so bad at finishing series!
Great list! I’m quite terrible with TBRs and even my “possibility piles” hardly, if ever, get read all the way 😂 I’m excited to read Portrait of a Thief as well, and I’m hoping to re-read the Caraval series this year. I hope you enjoy whichever books you read!
Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…#TopTenTuesday: Spring 2022 Possibility Pile!
Portrait of A Thief was on my list this week too. I’ve read quite a few of these, Legendary and Finale (loved Legendary, was slightly underwhelmed by Finale), Bloodwitch and Witchshadow (found both okay, I like the characters in the Witchlands series but find the plots a little overcomplicated) and Escaping From Houdini and Capturing The Devil (really liked Escaping From Houdini, it was my favourite of the series, but underwhelmed by Capturing The Devil).
Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #359
I still need to start the Bloodwitch series. I think I have all of them, so I just need to find some time where I can read them all in a row.
I have a copy of Truthwitch that I haven’t managed to read yet. sighs
Enjoy your books. 🙂
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!