Bookish Item| Did I Read My Most Anticipated Reads of 2019?

I’ve recently really started getting back into watching booktube videos. That’s when I stumbled upon a video from BooksandLaLa looking back at 6 years of anticipated releases. This got me thinking. Have I read my most anticipated reads? We do two Top Ten Tuesday posts each year looking at our most anticipated releases for the first and second half of the year. We started in 2019. So did I read my 2019 most anticipated releases? Keep on reading to find out?

A Girl Called Shameless – Laura Steven

The Exact Opposite of Okay was and is still one of my favorite books. The message the author brings with this book and story is so important. A Girl Called Shameless is the sequel and Izzy is trying to get on with her life and stand up for what she believes in. I loved this book so much!

Switchback – Danika Stone

Switchback was such an intense survival story. The author wrote it in such a way that I actually felt cold while the characters were stuck in a snowstorm outdoors. I love when a book brings you in the story like that.

When Summer Ends -Jessica Pennington

When Summer Ends sounds like a contemporary I’ll love and that I even have an e-arc of (oops…). I started this story and was enjoying it, but I got distracted like I tend to do. I definitely do want to go back and revisit this story.

Aurora Rising – Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

Science fiction isn’t a genre I pick up often, but I’m so glad I picked up Aurora Rising. At the moment I’ve also read the sequel and I need to read the third and final book soon. I’ve really come to love this crew and their adventures are keeping me at the edge of my seat.

Hot Dog Girl – Jennifer Dugan

Hot Dog Girl has a cover I still love to look at, but one I haven’t picked up yet. The story still appeals to me, but I think I’ve been a bit on the fence after hearing some mixed reviews. This book does seem like a fun summer read, so maybe I’ll give it a go later this year.

If You’re Out There – Katy Loutzenhiser

If You’re Out There was a book I was really interested in when I heard about. I honestly don’t know why I haven’t picked it up yet. A mystery of a character trying to find her best friend moves and then just disappears and her social media has cryptic messages. Sounds interesting.

Sherwood – Meagan Spooner

A gender flipped Robin Hood retelling definitely caught my attention, but I’ve kind of been afraid to read it. After being disappointed by Hunted I just don’t know if it’s that book that I won’t like or maybe this author’s retellings. I still do want to give it a go.

Enchanteé – Gita Treleases

Since this was added to my most anticipated releases the title of this book has changed to All That Glitters. Historical fiction is a genre I’ve been wanting to read more of and this one definitely fits my needs. I haven’t heard many people talk about this one.

Comics Will Break Your Heart – Faith Erin Hicks

I own the paperback of Comics Will Break Your Heart and I love the idea of there being comic book stores in a book. I’ve actually recently learned that this is a loose retelling of Romeo & Juliet. I have to say I’m intrigued.

Wayward Son – Rainbow Rowell

I enjoyed Fangirl and Carry On! Why I haven’t read Wayward Son yet is a mystery to me, haha. The third and final book in the trilogy was under the Christmas tree last year, so I need to finish this trilogy.

Tiger Queen – Annie Sullivan

After loving A Touch of Gold I was really excited about Tiger Queen. Unfortunately, this was just not the book for me at all.

The Burning Shadow – Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout is one of my favorite authors and I really enjoyed the first book in this series. The Burning Shadow was another intense ride and since then I’ve read the third book as well. The pandemic has delayed the fourth book, but I’ll definitely be reading it when it releases.

Tunnel of Bones – Victoria Schwab

I loved this middle grade series and I’m so sad that it’s over for now. I really hope the author revisits this series. The paranormal aspects and just the history we get from the places they visit is so interesting.

Ninth House – Leigh Bardugo

Ninth House is a book I was really excited for, but once again get distracted by so many other books, haha. It has secret societies and is apparently pretty dark. I did start and read about 50 pages, but my mind wasn’t in the mood for a heavy book.

Gideon the Ninth – Tasmyn Muir

Gideon the Ninth was so hyped and when I heard about it I have to say it did sound like something I’d love. Unfortunately, this one just wasn’t for me. I was confused most of the books and didn’t really connect with anything.

Scared Little Rabbits – A.V. Geiger

I loved the Follow Me Back duology but this author, so I was so excited for Scared Little Rabbits. Unfortunately, another book that just didn’t work for me. A student is supposed to go missing and there’s a thriller aspect, but we don’t get that until the last 50 pages. I just kept reading to hope it would finally give me what I wanted.

Regretting You – Colleen Hoover

Colleen Hoover is an amazing author and I’m more behind on her backlist than I’d like. Regretting You is a book that I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about, but have yet to read. After reading Reminders of Him in January I want to go back and read more by this author I haven’t read yet.

The Bromance Book Club – Lyssa Kay Adams

The Bromance Book Club is a book I loved so much! Just the idea of men using romance books to solve their relationships was such an interesting idea for a book. This is definitely one of my favorite series.

All the Bad Apples – Moïra Fowley-Doyle

Magical realism in combination of more difficult subjects is something that always interests me. A few of my friends read and loved All the Bad Apples and I’m still really intrigued. How have I not read this one yet?

End Results:
Read: 9/19 – 47%
TBR: 10/19 – 53%

I’m actually pleasantly surprised by how well I did. When I first started this post I was expecting to only have read maybe 3 or 4 of these, haha. Have you read any of these? What unread books on this list should I pick up? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.

One thought on “Bookish Item| Did I Read My Most Anticipated Reads of 2019?

  1. I have read Sherwood and I did like it but I wasn´t blown away by it like I thought I would have been but it´s an okey read.

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