We thought it was time for a fun new post every week. In the Royal Update one of us updates you about our personal life, bookish news, what we’re reading, watching and listening to and anything else that might apply to this post. We thought it would be fun to share a bit more about our personal lives and hope you think so too!
I’ve had a good two weeks. My birthday was March 6th (yesterday) and I celebrated it a couple of times. My mother gave me a haircut for my birthday and I had it done last Thursday. After that I added a new color. Other than that I’ve been cuddling with my furry ones.
My boyfriend’s sister and I share a birthday, so on Saturday we went to his parent’s house to celebrate with his grandparents. It was a nice afternoon and we went out to dinner in the evening. The food was amazing, but I have to say the restaurant was really packed. I’m not used to that many people in one space anymore, haha. It was still a really nice evening.
Since my last Royal Update I’ve added a few ARCs to my Kindle.
Since my last Royal Update I finished 8 books: Girls of Storm and Shadow, An Unexpected Kind of Love, Now That I’ve Found You, Teach Me, Gallant, 40-Love, Love & Other Disasters, and Ruthless Fae.
At the moment I’m currently reading: So This Is Ever After, Covet (re-read and almost done), House of Sky and Breath, and Sweet Valentine.
This week I’ll be starting Ice Plant Barbarians, It Will End Like This, 32 Rowan Blvd, and The Reckoning.
There are two items of bookish news I want to share this week: a cover reveal and a book announcement.
Nothing to report on my shopping log this week. We’re going away this week, so I may have something to show in my next royal update.
Every Sunday it’s family movie night at our house now. We eat dinner and watch a movie. The last two weeks we watched In The Heights and Venom: Let There Be Carnage. I loved In The Heights. The music was amazing and the story as well. Venom isn’t my typical movie, but it was still a fun one.
Simple Plan released a new song and listening to it earlier this week had me wanting to listen to their earlier albums. I forgot how much I loved this group. I hope their new album releases soon.
So that’s my Royal Update for this week. How have you been? Read anything good I need to know about? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.
I too have cave caught the Zodiac Academy fever. I am way further into the series and about to finish. ☹ I have really loved it all the way through. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. Also, the Girls of Storm and Shadows how awesome is that series. I am excited to read the new one.