Fangirl Friday | Christmas Movies I’m Rewatching This Christmas

I’m not really a fan of movies in general. Whenever I get the choice, I’d much rather watch a tv show. But every now and then I do enjoy a movie. And around Christmas time it is fun to watch some Christmas movies. So for this Christmas, I decided to rewatch a couple of my favorites! And today I want to share which ones that’ll be. Let’s jump in!

The Holidate

My most recent favorite! I watched this last year and I fell in love right away. It was so much fun! I kept laughing all throughout the film. Emma Roberts is a great actress, I really enjoy her work. The storyline was just plain fun and a bit cringe haha.

The Holiday

Possibly the best Christmas movie out there to be honest. I love this one a lot! It has all the things you want in a Christmas movie. I love that it’s set in the UK, and I really like Jude Law so that’s another plus. While the story is predictable, it’s also heart warming. I can’t wait to watch this one again.

The Grinch

The Grinch can be so relatable! And the older I get, the more I can relate to him haha. This movie is one of my absolute favorites but I haven’t seen it nearly enough times. I can’t wait to watch it again to see if I remember all the scenes.

Home Alone

We can all agree this is a classic right? I know it’s been on tv for a million times (at least here in the Netherlands) and it isn’t the best movie ever. But I just enjoy it a lot, it always makes me laugh, and I guess there is just a lot of nostalgia there. I might watch the newest one instead though!

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

I don’t care what you say, this is a Christmas movie. Every year around this time I want to rewatch the movies and reread the books. Just thinking about this movies makes me feel all Christmas-y. And to be honest, that feeling has been hard to find this year so whatever works for me, I’m okay with it haha.

And those are the movies I plan on watching tonight and the coming days! Have you seen them? Which one is your favourite? And any movies you’d think I’ll like based on these? Let me know in the comments!

One thought on “Fangirl Friday | Christmas Movies I’m Rewatching This Christmas

  1. I really loved all of these! I think the best new Christmas romcom I’ve watched this year was Single All the Way. Hope you enjoyed the rewatches and had a great Christmas!

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