Tag| Fall Book Tag

We’re almost halfway through November, so I thought I would do one last fall related book tag. It’s actually pretty fitting, because this one is called the Fall Book Tag. This tag was created by Shanah from The Bionic Book Worm. Let’s see what this tag is about!


Link back to the tag’s creator.

Use the graphics if you want to.

Have fun.

Even though The Love Hypothesis deals with a trope that’s been done many times before (fake dating) it felt really refreshing. I loved the characters and just how this book all played out. There was enough humor, romance, and even some drama.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue was one book I was really excited about. It seems that you either love or hate this one and thankfully I was on the loving side. This book has such an interesting concept and the author gave this ending a twist that I couldn’t have loved more!

Science fiction isn’t a genre I read often, but Contagion made me want to read more. Once this book takes off it’s non stop action until the ending. Let’s just say this book is intense and I honestly couldn’t predict so many of the twists we get in this story. It’s one I didn’t want to put down.

2021 is almost over, but there are still a few books I’m really excited about. When this post comes online this book will be in the world for two days, but I’m anxiously awaiting Aurora’s End. Part of me is sad that this is the last book in the trilogy, but I need to know how it all wraps up. Even if I’m a bit scared for the characters I’ve come to love.

One book that really hit me in all the feels this year is The Guncle. I’ve talked about this book before, but it’s really worth mentioning it again. It’s filled with family, grief, love, acceptance, and moving on. The Guncle deals with some heavier subjects, but also has quite a few lighthearted moments.

I finally got around to reading the Truly Devious series and I think out of all of the books The Vanishing Stair was my favorite. I love the fact that we get present day, but also glimpses from the past. This mystery was truly wild and I’m sad I’m done with the series.

So that’s the Fall Book Tag! Feel free to tag yourself, but if you do let me know! I’d love to see your answers. What is your most anticipated read for the last couple of months for 2021? Let me know in the comments.

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