TTT #207| Spooky Middle Grade Books I Want to Read

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is online resources for booklovers and it’s another topic that doesn’t interest me. So I decided to look at the topic for next week and that’s a Halloween freebie, so I’m going to go ahead with that one. It’s been a while since I’ve talked about middle grade books I want to read, so here are ten spooky middle grade books I want to read.

Hide and Don’t Seek: Another Other Very Scary Stories – Anica Mrose Rossi

I love this cover and the fact that it has more than one story. I’ve read a YA book by this author and enjoyed it, so it’s time to see what she does with spooky middle grade stories.

The Screaming Staircase – Jonathan Stroud

The Lockwood & Co series is one I’ve been wanting to read for way too long. I even got to meet the author a couple of years ago. I just get easily distracted, haha. I’m looking forward to a spooky adventure.

Ghost Girl – Ally Malinenko

This book is pitched for fans of Small Spaces and Nightbooks. I loved both, so it called out to me. Our main character loves ghost stories, but never expects to live one. I have a feeling I’m going to love this one, but I won’t be reading it before bed.

Dead Voices – Katherine Arden

Small Spaces is still one of my favorite middle grade books and I’ve been putting off reading Dead Voices for way too long. That was the first truly spooky middle grade book I read, so my expectations are high. I’m actually hoping to read this one this month.

Archimancy – J.A. White

I read Nightbooks earlier this year and looked up what this author has also written. Archimancy was the first book to jump out at me. It’s the first book in the Shadow School series and it sounds like a great adventure. Our main characters want to find out why the ghosts are at their school and to see if they can set them free.

The Haunting of Aveline Jones – Phil Hickes

I’ve been wanting to read The Haunting of Aveline Jones for quite some time and if this cover doesn’t scream spooky I don’t know what does! Our main character loves ghost stories and discovers a spooky old book. We know that will become interesting.

Scritch Scratch – Lindsay Currie

Our main character has to help her dad on his ghost-themed Chicago bus tour. I have to say that sounds like something fun to do around Halloween. Things get creepy though when our main character starts being haunted.

Whispering Pines – Heidi Lang & Kati Barkowski

Okay, so what’s more creepy then kids that go missing returning as zombies with their eyes removed. Our main characters try and help protect their town before otherworldly threats destroy it. I know one thing I’m not reading it in the dark!

Thirteens – Kate Alice Marshall

Every thirteen years three thirteen year old disappear and are exchanged for the town’s good fortune. Our main characters notice things that are wrong in the town and need to try and break this curse before its too late.

Hide and Seeker – Daka Hermon

It’s hard to believe that this is a middle grade when I look at the cover. Or maybe the actual middle graders are just braver than I am, haha. Hide and Seek is always a game I thought was creepy, but it gets a twist in this story when the people playing start to disappear.


Some Recent TTT Posts:

TTT #202| Books With Numbers in the Title
TTT #203 | Books on My Fall 2021 TBR
TTT #204| Books on My Fall 2021 TBR Part 2
TTT #205|Upcoming Romance Books I’m Excited About
TTT #206| Favorite Bookish Settings

So these are ten spooky middle grade books I really want to read soon. Do you have any recommendations I should know about? Let me know in the comments. Also feel free to leave your TTT links in the comments!

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