Show Sunday | On My Block – Final Season

Today I want to talk about On My Block. The final season was recently released and of course I watched it haha. I was very happy to see we got a final season as I loved the first 3 seasons but wanted more. Last week I watched all the episodes after first rewatching the previous seasons. Let’s jump into my thoughts about this final season!
there will be some spoilers for the previous seasons

A coming-of-age story about four bright, street-savvy friends navigating their way through high school in the gritty South Central Los Angeles, trying to get their friend out of a gang, and having friendship turn into something more.

This final season has 10 episodes with some very emotional moments. We start back up where we left off last season; 2 years later and the friends not talking…. I was so sad when we saw that scene and I couldn’t wait for them to make up.

I really enjoyed the end, I don’t think everyone will though. It’s the kind of ending where you get to fill in a lot yourself and I really appreciate that. But I do think they left some things open that really needed closure. And some of them didn’t make sense to leave open like that. Yes, it was realistic but it was also once again very sad. There was something implied in the final scene that I LOVED. I hope everyone picks up on that because I thought it was great and hope that was the idea since the beginning.

Like I said, we got some emotional moments and I definitely cried a couple of times. While I saw some things coming, it didn’t mean it hurt any less haha. I get that some choices are easy storytelling wise and a way to make other characters do things but I also think you can achieve this in a different way. A long way to say I didn’t like some of the choices haha.

Jamal and Abualita have the best relationship on the show and I love them so much! Whenever they’re together you know you’re going to laugh. Jasmine is another favorite character and I can’t believe how she evolved from an annoying supporting character to such an iconic fan favorite. These characters really carried the show for me. Doesn’t mean I don’t like the other characters, just that these are the ones that I love best.

I definitely think I will rewatch this show again at some point. These characters found a place in my heart and the show is just very funny but also emotional. I would highly recommend this show, and this season, to basically everyone haha. Have you watched this show, or this season, yet? Let me know down below! I would love to hear your thoughts.

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