With my upcoming trip (I’m going to Paris next week) I thought it would be fun to take a look at some books that are set in Paris. This list is a mix of books I already read and books on my TBR. It was fun looking at some of the books I already read and to remember which ones I still need to pick up. So let’s jump in and talk Paris books!
Anna and the French Kiss – Stephanie Perkins
One of the first books that comes to mind is Anna and the French Kiss. While I liked the book okay when I read it, I don’t think I would enjoy it as much if I read it now. It doesn’t hold up that well and the emotional cheating is definitely romanticised. However, the setting is still great haha.
Sarah’s Key – Tatiana de Rosnay
This is the kind of book I used to read all the time. I haven’t talked about it too much but I read a lot of book set during WW II. They still interested me but it’s so much emotion about real stories that I got burned out a bit. This one was a really good one though!
The Red Scrolls of Magic – Cassandra Clare & Wesley Chu
I really enjoyed this Shadowhunter book. It was so much fun seeing so many favorite characters again and of course I loved the setting. The story was pretty interesting and I still need to continue with the series. I will say I hate this cover haha. But nevertheless, a fun book!
Enchantee – Gita Trelease
This one does have a good cover! It’s what drew my attention but the synopsis and especially the setting are what got me interested. I got the book pretty soon after the release but haven’t read it yet. My friends’ reviews are all over the place, DNF, 2 stars, 5 stars. I guess I just have to try it for myself haha.
Grim Lovelies – Megan Shepherd
This one has the best cover out of all of them I would say. I also really like the synopsis and do have pretty good hopes for this book. Unfortunately I didn’t really like the author’s previous book and my friends gave it both high and low scores on their reviews haha. The author is super sweet though and I like the setting. Maybe it’s better than I expect!
And that were 5 book set in Paris. I can’t wait to go and experience this amazing city again. Now I just have to read a couple of more books set in Paris haha. Have you read any? Let me know down below!