TTT #206 | Favorite Book Settings

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Favorite Book Settings. I felt like we already did a similar topic and after looking it up it turns out we did this exact topic before. Instead of giving you another list I want to take a look at my previous list and see if I still agree! Let’s jump in.

1.Magic Schools – YES

I don’t I will ever get over magic schools. Whenever I see this mentioned in a synopsis, you can bet I’m in. So yes, this is definitely still a favorite setting of mine. I can never have to many books with this setting and I actually think I don’t have nearly enough… Any newer releases with this that I missed?

2.Boarding Schools – YES

Another one I still love. The concept of a boarding school sounds so interesting to me. While I can’t imagine being away from your family for so long at such a young age I do think it will make for forever friendships. Like I said before, a combination of magic and boarding school is even more perfect. You all know which series I grew up with and I just crave something similar but more diverse  and with less plotholes.

3.Medieval like fantasy worlds – MWAH

While I don’t mind a medieval like fantasy world, I don’t actively seek them out anymore. There have been way too many books like this and I would much rather read a fantasy world that’s based on something else. Give me something not European (or North American for that matter) and/or based on another time.

4.London – YES

London is still one of my favorite cities ever and reading a book set there feels like coming home. I can’t wait to go to London again but until then I love reading about it. It’s been a while since I read a good London book so again, hit me up with your recommendations!

5.Small town high schools – MWAH

This used to be my favorite contemporary setting. And while I’ll still read this, I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s a favorite. Maybe I’m saturated with them or has my romanticised view of them turned more realistic. I’m not sure what it is but I just don’t like them as much anymore.

6.Space ship – YES

Yes, I still love this! Especially if it’s a murder mystery which means the killer is on board. I can never read enough stories like that. But I also enjoy other stories set on space ships, for example Becky Chambers’ series which reads more as a contemporary story but has the best setting and world building.

7.Actual ship – MWAH

This was a bit harder. While is still LOVE pirate stories I don’t think I would necessarily say a ship is a favorite setting. I will read them (and probably enjoy them) but I won’t actively seek them out anymore.  Maybe I also feel limited in the kind of stories that have this setting.

8.University – YES

I love this so much. It also means the characters are a bit older which makes me more comfortable. And I loved living on campus in London so I want to relive that with these kind of books haha.

And what I would add now:
9. Space

I really enjoy space opera’s with massive universes. But anything set in space is interesting to me! I want to read more sci-fi as I enjoy it more and more. And especially those big universes with different cultures and maybe even different species. Give me all those books! Also, anything like The 100 or Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 5. This might seem like a double with the space ship but I do think this is broader.

10. The Underworld / Hell

While I haven’t read that many books with this setting yet, I do think I want to count it as a favorite. It’s very enjoyable to me to read a book that is set either in the Underworld or in Hell. Some books take a ‘trip’ to the Underworld and that is usually my favorite part of the book.

It’s funny to see how my tastes have changed a little bit over the years. While a lot of these are still favorite settings, some I wouldn’t add anymore and I thought of two new ones. It was a lot of fun to do this post this way! What are some of your favorite settings? Let me know down below.

12 thoughts on “TTT #206 | Favorite Book Settings

  1. Underworlds and Space ships – absolutely. So much scheming and adventuring! I actually also like “Medieval like fantasy worlds” a lot, but I find it’s a genre that can get very old-school if not chosen well.
    Lex @ Lexlingua recently posted…Favorite Book SettingsMy Profile

  2. I would love to read more books with Uni settings, like you, I’m not as big a fan of high school settings anymore (though I do still enjoy a good boarding school or magical school) but I really enjoyed my Uni years and would love to relive them through books. I also really enjoy London settings, I like spotting places that I’m familiar with mentioned in books set in London!
    Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #337My Profile

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