Show Sunday | Currently Watching #3

It’s time for another Currently Watching. I watch so many things and it’s hard to pick just one show to talk about haha. So I figured why not go this way so I can talk about a couple of shows at the same time. Let’s take a look!

Squid Game (Netflix)

I did actually already finish this one. Last week I came across a video on facebook and decided to give this show a chance. And one day later I finished it all haha. This was pretty brutal and sick but also quite emotional. I would recommend going into it blind, but don’t get to attached to the characters because they might not make it ’till the end…

 On My Block (Netflix)

Today the last season of On The Block releases so I decided to rewatch the whole show. I loved it when I first watched it and figured it would be nice to have all the details sharp before watching the last season. It’s also pretty sad to know we will be saying goodbye to these amazing characters. I’m currently finishing season 1 so I hope to watch the new season soon.

Station 19

I watched all of Grey’s Anatomy and wanted to watch the first episode of the newest season when I realised that was a crossover with Station 19. So that was a good excuse to get caught up with Station 19. I actually really enjoy this show and I’m not sure why I fell behind with it. Probably because I’m still in denial about a certain characters death from this franchise. Took me a while before I watched Grey’s again haha.

Only Murders In The Building (Disney +)

Oh how I love this show. I came across it on Disney + and the title immediately grabbed my attention. This show is hilarious but also just really good. It’s hard to explain haha, you have to experience it for yourself! I have to wait a week for a new episode and that’s hard haha, not really used to that on my streaming services but I do like how it builds excitement.

These are 4 of the shows I’m currently watching. Have you seen any of them? Did you enjoy them? Let me know in the comments down below!

7 thoughts on “Show Sunday | Currently Watching #3

  1. I did the same thing with Squid Game, saw a couple of videos about it and decided to try it and then just sat there until I watched it all! I’ve also heard a lot of good things about Only Murders in the building so I need to start that as well.

    1. Haha, they really know how to draw us in! Hopefully you’ll enjoy Only Murders as much as I do!

  2. I have the last episode of Love is Blind to finish then I really want to start Only Murders In The Building. As you said the title draws you in and I have only heard great things! 😀

    1. Only Murders is so good! Hopefully you’ll enjoy it as much as I do <3

    1. I heard that there will be a second season but now I’m wondering is that was an official announcement or just my wish haha. Anyways, I really enjoyed it and I’m happy to hear you did too!

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