Bookish Item | Netgalley Backlist Part 7

It’s been almost a month since my last Netgalley Backlist post, so I’d say it’s time to write another one. Since the last post I’ve added way too many books to my Kindle. It’s really time to make my Netgalley TBR a priority. So let’s take a look at the next 8 books in my Netgalley Backlist Part 7.

The Bookworm Crush – Lisa Brown Roberts

I’ve added The Bookworm Crush to my TBR so many times, but for some reason I haven’t read it yet. Even talking about it now makes me want to put down everything I’m reading and start this one. This is a spinoff of The Replacement Crush, so I’m still debating if I want to read that first.

Regretting You – Colleen Hoover

Colleen Hoover is an author that tends to break my heart when reading her books, but she has such an amazing way with words. It’s been some time since I’ve read a book by this author and Regretting You is one I’ve heard so many amazing things about. Again, I need to read this one really soon.

Find Me Their Bones – Sara Wolf

Find Me Their Bones  is actually the second book in the Bring Me Their Hearts trilogy. I need to read the first book before I can pick this one up, but I’ve heard quite a few positive things about this trilogy. There really isn’t enough time in a day to get all the reading done I’d like to get done.

The Silvered Serpents – Roshani Chokshi

Again, The Silvered Serpents is a sequel and I need to read The Gilded Wolves before I can read this one. The Gilded Wolves seems to be a book you either love or hate, so I’m hoping I’m a reader who loves it!

Foul is Fair – Hannah Capin

I actually own a physical copy of Foul is Fair. I started reading it actually, but the e-arc wasn’t formatted in a great way. Whenever a word had a double letter (like the t in letter) those letters would just be a blank space. It was really annoying to read it like that, so I’ll need to read my paperback soon.

The Ghost on Firefly Lane – Pamela McCord

I read The Haunting of Elmwood Manor I remember enjoying the story, so when I saw that the sequel was available I requested it. The Ghost on Firefly Lane definitely sounds like a good book to read on a cold and rainy day.

Ionic Attraction – D.R. Rosensteel

If I’m honest I don’t really remember requesting Ionic Attraction, but I love the cover. Reading the synopsis I now remember there being a high-tech academy for teens. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone talk about this book, but I’m curious!

Keystone – Katie Delahanty

I remember requesting Keystone, because the cover was stunning! That was definitely the first thing that caught my eye. Reading the synopsis lately it actually sounds like something that could actually happen. Well at least that influencers are worried about their numbers and social media takes control of many at times.


So these are the next 8 books on my Netgalley TBR. Have you read any of these? What did you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts on which one I need to pick up first. I’m really hoping this gets me motivated! Have you added any new Netgalley books to your shelf lately?

3 thoughts on “Bookish Item | Netgalley Backlist Part 7

  1. I actually have a question for you. Are these books that Netgalley hasn’t archived yet? And if they have do you feel like it affects your netgalley standing/rating that you haven’t reviewed them yet?

    Still learning how netgalley works and sometimes I feel like I overload myself with requests

  2. I like the cover for The Silvered Serpants. It looks pretty. I am taking it, that the sequals you want to read can not be stand alone reads. Find me their bones looks very interesting. Great post!

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