Tag | Three Bookish Things Book Tag

It’s been quite some time since I’ve done a tag or found one that looked like fun. We’ve done a lot of them, so it’s not always easy finding one anymore. That changed for today though. Jenny from JenJenReviews tagged me in the Three Bookish Things Book Tag. It looks like a lot of fun, so let’s see what it’s about!

Three read once and loved authors

I’ve been reading a lot of new to me and amazing authors lately. Here are three of them:

  • Steven Rowley. I finished The Guncle and loved everything about this book. It’s been about a week since I’ve read it and I can’t stop thinking about it. This is definitely a book I’ve been recommending to everyone.
  • Lynn Painter. Better Than the Movies left a big smile on my face. So much so I plan on doing a reread really soon with the audiobook. Thankfully she’s announced another book releasing early next year and I’m so excited.
  • Ashley Woodfolk. When You Were Everything was definitely a surprise. This was such an interesting story about friendships and how sometimes you grow apart. I do own another book by this author and hope to read it soon.

Three titles I’ve watched but haven’t read

  • The Vampire Diaries. I have to say this is one of my favorite shows, but I’ve never read the books it’s based on. If I remember correctly, I did try reading the first book, but it just didn’t keep my attention with all of the differences.
  • Pretty Little Liars. Another favorite of mine and I was addicted to this show and all the drama. When the show was finished I did read the first book. Just like with The Vampire Diaries it was just too different.
  • Gossip Girl. When I first started watching this show I actually didn’t even know it was based on a series of books. I don’t think I did finish the whole series though. I did start watching the remake of it though.

Three characters you love

  • Patrick/Gay Uncle Patrick. Earlier I mentioned the author of The Guncle and the main character of that book is amazing! He has to take care of his niece and nephew for the summer and has no clue what to do. Without realizing it he truly gives them everything they need and even helps himself heal!
  • Hudson (Crave series). I know he’s kind of meant to be the character you hate to love, but I’ve been team Hudson since the second book I believe. I really need the story of the four months they were trapped together. He’s arrogant and knows it, but there’s a lot more than meets the eye!
  • Poppy (From Blood and Ash). This is a character I love, because of how much she grows and starts thinking of herself. Basically being told what she can do all of her life to more freedom couldn’t have been easy. Everything is new and tossed at her without time for her to process. I don’t think I would’ve handled it as well as she did.

Three series binged

I’m not one that binges series often, but there have been a few I couldn’t put down.

  • Crave. Okay, this one isn’t done yet, but I flew through the first three books. They’re not tiny either, haha. I started off wondering if I would enjoy them, but I got so invested. I’ll be reading the next installment as soon as it releases in September.
  • The Infernal Devices. It’s been quite a few years, but when I really started getting into reading again I read this trilogy in less than a week. Out of all of the Shadowhunter books this trilogy is my favorite.
  • Throne of Glass. When I started this series the first four books were out and I read them back to back. Since then I’ve even done a re-read of the first 5 books. And I’m ashamed to say I still haven’t read the last book. I am determined to before the end of the year. I just don’t want it to end.

Three favorite book covers

There are some amazing covers out there these days and it’s just about impossible to choose only three favorites. Here are a few recent favorites.

  • Tokyo Ever After. I love this illustrated cover and how it’s designed. The actual cover has some elements that you can feel, because of the texture. And on top of that the story sounds great.
  • In Deeper Waters. Look at this stunning cover and the amazing colors! I didn’t even need to know what it’s about before knowing I needed this on my shelf. Thankfully I’ve heard some amazing things about the story as well.
  • Instructions for Dancing. Another amazing illustrated colors with the perfect color combination. I have to say that this story is also really hit me in all the feels. It had me smiling, but also in tears. I love when an author can do that.

Three goals for this year

We recently did some posts on our reading goals and how we’re doing, so I’ll keep it at that. Here’s the post to my most recent update about my reading goals.


This was a lot of fun to do! I’m never good at picking people to tag, so if you think this looks like fun I tag you. Please let me know if you do post this tag though, because I’d love to see your answers.

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