Down the TBR Hole #58

Seeing how I added 8 books to my want to read shelf in the past two weeks (and probably more, because I started reading a couple on this self), I’d say it’s good I’m sticking with this post every other week.

Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story. It looked like a fun and productive way to finally make a dent in that Goodreads TBR. I went through my want-to-read shelf a little while ago but I think I was still to kind on a lot of books. Let’s see what I’ll make of it this time around. I decided to go with 10 books at a time so lets get started!

It works like this:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 or 15 or 20, if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!

Current “to-read” shelf: 843 (my last post ended at 835. Oops…)

Winterhouse – Ben Guterson

Okay, so I’ve actually started reading this one (even if it was a few months ago) and I enjoyed what I read. I’m loving the story and illustrations. So I will definitely be finishing this one this year. Just don’t know when yet, haha.


East Coast Girls – Kerry Kletter

This author wrote the book The First Time She Drowned and I really enjoyed that book. So I have to say I was excited when the author announced East Coast Girls. As you can see I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet, but I love stories with friendship and seeing friends come together again. East Coast Girls will stay on this list a bit longer.


Ninja Girl – Cookie O’Gorman

Okay, the first book this post that I actually forgot about. Cookie O’Gorman wrote the book Adorkable and it was so cute. Even though Ninja Girl sounds like another book I will enjoy I just don’t know when I’ll get to this one.


Goldilocks – Laura Lam

I forgot how stunning this cover is! Goldilocks seems to be a thriller sci-fi? The synopsis still really catches my eye, but according to Goodreads none of my friends have read this one. I’ll have to see if I can get my hands on this one soon.


Take a Hint, Dani Brown – Talia Hibbert

Get a Life, Chloe Brown was such a good book and I’ve been wanting to get to this one! Take a Hint, Dani Brown follows the next Brown sister and sounds like a lot of fun as well. I have this book on my shelf and hope to get to it this year. So many books, so little time!


All Your Twisted Secrets – Diana Urban

This is another book I actually started reading. I listened to the audiobook, but I was having trouble concentrating on that narrator. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. So I have the e-book, so I can finally continue with this thriller.Will all the characters make it out of the room alive? I’m curious to find out.


The Heart Principle – Helen Hoang

The Heart Principle is the third book in The Kiss Quotient series and I highly enjoyed the first two books. I believe this was supposed to release earlier, but got pushed back. Once again, I’m really looking forward to diving back into this series. I’ve been curious about Quan since the beginning and am happy he’s getting a book.


Loveless – Alice Oseman

Heartstopper is a series I love that this author created and I’ve been wanting to read more books by this author. Loveless being one of them. On top of an amazing cover the story sounds really good. A few friends of mine have read this and loved it, so it’s time for me to find out what I think.


The Devil and the Dark Water – Stuart Turton

After reading and loving The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle I knew I needed this author’s next book. I received The Devil and the Dark Water for Christmas and have been saving it for when we get back to the darker and colder weather. I don’t know why, but it seems like the perfect book for that time of year.


The Empire of Gold – S.A. Chakraborty

The first two books in The Daevabad Trilogy were amazing and I have a feeling I’m going to love The Empire of Gold. Part of me just doesn’t want it to end though. I ended up getting my wish granted on Netgalley for a digital e-arc, but that was a few days before release, so I haven’t had the chance to start it yet.



Removal Percentage: 10%
Current “to-read” shelf: 842

I already had a feeling this was going to be a harder week when I saw the titles, haha. Oh well, if I think a book is going to be good I can’t get rid of it. What do you think of my choices? Have you read any of these? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Down the TBR Hole #58

  1. Haha, you found too many nice books again (given that it went up instead of down). Good luck with sorting them/reading them, given this post you got some interesting/fun ones on there. Only read Winterhouse which was very good, so I hope you enjoy!

  2. My tbr shelf on goodreads is always going up and never down! It doesn’t matter how much time I spend removing books so I’ve just come to accept that is the way it is haha!

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